Maternity clothes? I have been squeezing myself into more and more of my "regular" clothes because it's been so warm out. Which has been interesting. But the staples are still there - tank top with a light open cardigan, BB jeans, maternity jean skirt, a few dresses, lots and lots of sandals!
Stretch marks? NO! I can't believe it. We're still going strong!
Sleep? Sleep has been fleeting this week, unfortunately. I am carrying a lot of weight, so everything has been much more difficult, including sleep!
Best moment this week? Hasn't quite happened yet. Your daddy comes home from his North Iowa job today. Hopefully with a trailer in tow, but nonetheless, he will be HOME. I am so glad to have him here! Mainly because I've been showing "signs of labor" (sort of...see below) and it's kind of scary. Plus, it's something you don't want to go through alone, especially when I depend on your dad to be my rock. So I'll be so glad when I come home to him this afternoon!!!!! I can't wait, I've been up since 5 a.m. in anticipation!
Another good moment is the fact I only gained 1 pound. So all that fruit and healthy eating has been doing good. That means I'm up 34 pounds from my ideal weight, which is exciting. If I can keep it like that, I think we'll be good!!!
Miss anything? I miss my dad this week. I keep thinking about him walking through the door into the hospital room after you get here. And knowing that can't happen is hard.
Movement? I love sitting here watching you move. It's a great joy. Your movements are so much more calculated and less sporadic now. I can tell you're starting to develop more control and I can't wait until you're here so I can see those movements on the outside. :)
Food cravings? Not really... I just love the stuff that's not good for you!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Chicken. Deli meat. They just released news about "Pink Slime" and now that's making me second guess any beef...looks like Pork is what's for dinner!
Labor signs? This morning I've been having some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions. They weren't intense by any means, but they made me go, "Oh...OH!" This is definitely the main reason why I am so excited to have your daddy home!!
Symptoms? Just the ole Braxton-Hicks. And emotions!
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? yes!
Wedding ring on or off? It has been staying off. The dr. yesterday said it was better that way, I don't want it to get stuck. There have been a few times that I was afraid it was stuck! So I have been leaving it off, although I don't really like it.
Happy or moody? Moody simply because your dad isn't home and I'm sick of him not being home. But the past 24 hours, I've been elated. Beyond myself excited. I just hope that it sticks around! I guess I've also been annoyed, simply because I'm ready for this to be done. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy it, but I'm the type to enjoy and then be done enjoying. I'm ready for you to be here!
Looking forward to: This weekend. Your dad and I have a lot and NOTHING planned. I'm really excited to lounge with him all day on Sunday. Of course, what will happen is that he will lounge and I will nest. Because I can't help it and it will make your arrival seem that much closer now that he's home. I can't wait!!!!!
Miss anything? I miss my dad this week. I keep thinking about him walking through the door into the hospital room after you get here. And knowing that can't happen is hard.
Movement? I love sitting here watching you move. It's a great joy. Your movements are so much more calculated and less sporadic now. I can tell you're starting to develop more control and I can't wait until you're here so I can see those movements on the outside. :)
Food cravings? Not really... I just love the stuff that's not good for you!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Chicken. Deli meat. They just released news about "Pink Slime" and now that's making me second guess any beef...looks like Pork is what's for dinner!
Labor signs? This morning I've been having some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions. They weren't intense by any means, but they made me go, "Oh...OH!" This is definitely the main reason why I am so excited to have your daddy home!!
Symptoms? Just the ole Braxton-Hicks. And emotions!
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? yes!
Wedding ring on or off? It has been staying off. The dr. yesterday said it was better that way, I don't want it to get stuck. There have been a few times that I was afraid it was stuck! So I have been leaving it off, although I don't really like it.
Happy or moody? Moody simply because your dad isn't home and I'm sick of him not being home. But the past 24 hours, I've been elated. Beyond myself excited. I just hope that it sticks around! I guess I've also been annoyed, simply because I'm ready for this to be done. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy it, but I'm the type to enjoy and then be done enjoying. I'm ready for you to be here!
Looking forward to: This weekend. Your dad and I have a lot and NOTHING planned. I'm really excited to lounge with him all day on Sunday. Of course, what will happen is that he will lounge and I will nest. Because I can't help it and it will make your arrival seem that much closer now that he's home. I can't wait!!!!!