Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear Dad

I can still hear your voice. And your laugh. As I go through the days, I keep remembering little things I didn't before. I am thankful for that, but I'm also afraid that I might forget them. 

My life has divided itself into the Before and After, with your death being the blurry line. Figuring out how to get through the After is getting easier. My breakdowns have gotten further apart with my tears becoming less debilitating. But I still have those moments. Like the other day when I drove past the road that I pulled onto after the nurse told me the news. Or yesterday, when I realized that at that very moment a week ago, I was at your wake. Or today, while I'm typing this, remembering that at this very moment a week ago, I was burying you. 

I am excited to get back to normal - the After normal. I know it's going to be different, but I think I can handle that. You taught me to handle that. 


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