Tuesday, July 16, 2013


The word unbreakable means a lot of things to me. Unbreakable means I survived my dad's death. Unbreakable means I survived my four years of teaching hell and I'm back in the classroom, doing what I absolutely love, and back to myself as a human being. Unbreakable means that my relationship with Eric is that strong, after everything that we've been through (that story is for another day). Unbreakable means that I can birth a 9 pound baby, who has truly completed me as a person. Unbreakable means that with the weight of the world on my shoulders, I made it. I made it. If I could describe myself in one word, it would be unbreakable.

Just getting a tattoo after all this time is a reminder of the conversation my dad and I had about getting a tattoo after I turned 18, when he thought a doodle on my foot really was a tattoo. The placement of this tattoo represents that fact that with the weight of the world on my shoulders, I have survived. The placement of this tattoo on the left side is the same side as my heart, which my little boy stole, and my dad's memories are tucked deep inside. The word itself is a representation of everything I have been through. And most importantly, the font, which is my dad's handwriting, is representative that my dad is always with me.

I know, that with this tattoo, I truly am unbreakable.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!!! What an awesome, well thought out, beautiful tattoo.
