Friday, August 16, 2013

15 Months!

Last Sunday marked your 15 month birthday and holy cow, you're a big one! Your daddy took you to the doctor and you are officially in the 96th percentile for weight at 28 pounds, and the 61st percentile for height at 31 1/2 inches. I have qualms about the way they measure you, especially because the first time they did so, a week after you were born, your measurements told us you shrank... by two inches! So I always wonder about Miss Nurse's measuring skills when we visit. But my own measurements mark you at 32 1/2, so maybe we can say you're a happy 32 inches?? Either way, you're a bruiser. And you act like one too!

You are always running places and can't ever seem to stand still. This reminds me so much of myself. But you sleep like the dead, which reminds me so much of your dad. You have your mom's hyper-focus when you're concentrated on a task, but you have your dad's mischievous gleam in your eye that tells me you're about to do something really naughty. Which usually turns out not to be that naughty, but I'm always wondering how far you're willing to go.

When we say no, you have learned that we mean no. You know that mom has the big, loud voice when you are touching the burners on the stove, and you know that dad has the pushover voice that doesn't change when you run out into the street. Haha. But seriously, Eric needs to work on the formance in his voice.

You love to throw things off your food tray, and it kills me. We have given up until a few nights ago, when we started to ask you "All done?" in sign language about every bite. When you weren't "all done" you pointed to the dish that held the food we were giving you. When you were all done, you smiled and nodded!!! It was incredible to watch and thus far, our dinners have been much more pleasant.

You are starting to become fascinated by books, which warms my heart! I love reading and I hope that you will learn to love it too! You love your big picture books, or your touch-and-feel books. The other night, you took your book and set it down across the room. I then asked you to pick up your book. Normally, when I ask you to pick up your milk, or your toy, you do right away. When we asked you to go pet Kinnick, you did. When you close the door you do. But you didn't go get the book, and it dawned on me that you don't know what a "book" is!!! Hilarious! So we're working on that.

You are breaking out new words every day. "Kinnick" is "kit." Dad and mom are staples now, and usually in that order, which breaks my heart slightly. You say "dat" and "dis" for that and this. You point and try to say things. I try to talk to you like a little human being as much as possible, and the dr. said you are doing just fine developmentally.

In the last month, you had FOUR teeth pop through, and I can see two more bottom eye teeth coming in. Poor guy. We gave you homemade waffles, which the batter held one lone egg and you didn't have a reaction. So I think I feel better about the allergy and I hope you're growing out of it.

You are the most fun in the morning, and I love waking up to your squeals. You are a happy, funny, silly little boy and I love that you are learning so quickly. Like the other night, you learned that if you walk around teh tree, the bark covers the whole thing. And you walked and walked and walked around that tree, and then your dad and I laughed and laughed and laughed when you finally straightened out and couldn't, for the life of you, keep your balance! HILARIOUS to watch!!!!

I love you so much, I never even knew it was possible.

(In other news, it's my dear friends' due date today. Dad, please watch out for her and I hope Sydney makes a speedy, safe entry into this world. Induction is Thursday if she doesn't show her head by then!!)

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