Friday, June 29, 2012

Lookin' Fly in the Three-Piece Suit

Last weekend, James made his first trip to Wisconsin.

Whoever said traveling with a newborn is easy was about 75% right.

He slept most of the time. He rarely cried and if he did, it was because he was too cold/hot, wanted a bottle, or fussed right before he fell asleep. For the most part, it was a fairly easy thing to do.

But 25% of it is all LIES.

Stopping to change a diaper isn't just changing a diaper. It's the planning that goes into when you are going to change that diaper. It's the planning on what you can do on that stop beyond changing the diaper. Do we have to go to the bathroom ourselves? Eat? Get something to drink? Fill up with gas?

Mapquest said it would take us 7 hours and 39 minutes to make it to Mishicot, WI.

It took us 10. At one point, we had an HOUR LONG stop, simply because we needed to eat, and we couldn't eat on the road because we also had to change him. And feed him.

There were tears along the way. Lots of me jumping from the front seat to the back, either to pump, feed him, just check to make sure he was ok. There was some laughter. But nothing compares to the video that we made when we were absolutely exhausted, just after we got there.

And the sight of my little boy in his three-piece suit was something to behold. Too cute!

In other news, I'm down 6 pounds, so I'm finally UNDER 170. Barely. By a pound, if my boobs are empty of milk. But it's still under 170.

Woop woop! Here's to 6 more in the next few weeks! I'm hoping by the time school starts (did I mention, Dad, that I took your advice and took the job?) I hope to be down to my pre-pregnancy weight. Which is still above where I want to be. So we'll see....

We will see...

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