Wednesday, April 10, 2013

11 Months!

Every step you take is one step further away from the little butterball turkey we brought home. How is it that already, 11 months have gone by?

Tonight, you zoomed across the floor with Mr. Lion in front of you (thanks L&R). It was amazing to watch! You've been trying your hardest to take steps, but every time, you fall over. You'll stand and bounce, trying to get your little legs to move for you and it just doesn't work. But when I put Mr. Lion in front of you tonight, you were off! Across the floor you went, and then again, and again. You were so excited after every run, that you would stand and clap so vigorously, you would then fall over! It was amazing to watch!

I have hated our pear tree in the back yard since we moved here, but it's a good thing we have one since that seems to be your favorite food. We will put an entire pear in front of you, and you'll eat it in no time. You love sharing food with me, and your dad, and you eat everything we do. Beyond that, you don't just eat what we do, but tonight you had two pears (two!) and the equivalent of one and a half hamburgers. Holy mackerel, kiddo. You're going to eat us out of house and home.

You have had your eighth tooth pop through, finally. It seems like you might be getting some others too, as you love to gnaw on your fingers. Not really sucking, just biting down on them. An interesting habit, to say the least.

I've started looking at the pictures we have taken of you more and more, starting with the pictures of when you were born. You have turned into such a beautiful little boy. It's so exciting to watch you grow and learn and play! I also keep thinking back about where I was a year ago - 36 weeks pregnant, starting to get to the uncomfortable stage, and ready to have you in my arms.

The excitement I feel when I know I can leave school to go and pick you up is amazing. I am giddy just thinking about it. I'm looking forward to the summer and can't wait to play with you in your pool, eat popsicles and go to the park. What an amazing summer it will be!

I love being a mom, but especially your mom. I am so truly blessed.

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