Monday, June 6, 2016

4 Months!

I should probably start calling you champ, because that's what you were this past weekend. ALL weekend long.

You held up through almost 7 hours of driving (probably helps that you still nap a lot) on Saturday, and your baptism on Sunday.

Your dad and I were just talking the other night about how we were so shocked to find out about you, but yet, you have rolled into our family (emphasis on the pun since you're a porker!) and it seems like you should have always been here.

You are also starting to actually roll from the back to the front. It's not consistent yet - you seem very happy on your back and seem to really enjoy playing on your activity mat. But every once in awhile, you seem to really want to get moving and then FLOP - right onto your front. We haven't seen you roll from your front to your back yet, but it will come. You are going through the developmental stages just like you should, although I was worried for awhile.

You started having some poop issues last month, reminiscent of Catherine's, which totally freaked me out. I thought for sure we were starting down the same path, but low-and-behold, a little probiotic cleared that right up! You are now consistently pooping, and it's hilarious when you do. Usually some farting, some grunting, and then a big grin when you're done.

You have a tooth! Another thing that I am so grateful for - we had no idea you were even teething. I had my suspicions, since you seem to be drooling like a crazy fool, not to mention always chewing on your hands, but I didn't think it would be this soon. I felt in your mouth Saturday and could feel the teeth just below the surface. So I felt again yesterday and tadaa, your first tooth! Could be why I am so sore after nursing lately.

Speaking of nursing, you are a champ. I am excited that this summer there will be LIMITED pumping sessions. I have a love-hate relationship with the pump and am so glad to be done with it for awhile. Although tonight I have an evening obligation, so I will, once again, be pumping once I get home. But for the most part, we are done with it and I couldn't be happier. So we will cruise throughs summer nursing and cuddling all the live long day while your siblings are in daycare for mommy's sanity (except Fridays when I have all three of you).

Otherwise, we are cruising right along. I just said to your dad this morning that it's crazy you are out of the infant stage and now well into the "baby" stage. Tomorrow is your 4 month Well-Child check up. I will be anxious to see how much you weigh and how long you are. I am betting that you are about 16-17 pounds and 25 inches. We will see how good I am after being through this with two other children...

James made you laugh the other day, and it was delightful to hear. I didn't get to see it as we were coming home from daycare, but I heard it and I about cried. You love your siblings, and they are crazy about you. I can't wait for a few years when all three of you can run about and enjoy each other. Those will probably be the best (and worst, most-trying) days of mommyhood for me. James and Catherine are getting there, but Catherine is just a tad too little...

You have graduated from the carrier to the "rocket ship" - a $300 car seat purchase that I made for $150 when I found it on clearance at Target (yay Target!). That will make for some interesting trips to the store, as I will have to carry you since your'e still a little too small to sit in the actual seat on the shopping cart. Looks like I will actually have to figure out how to put you in the wrap! Catherine has then graduated to the 5-point harness booster seat that we had for James, and I found out today when trying to squeeze all of them across the second row bench seat that, by God, James doesn't even need the back on his booster seat anymore. Now, it's just the seat. Crazy how it seems like yesterday that James was breaking in the carrier. I am trying to figure out where to recycle it since it has expired, but have yet to find a place in Des Moines. Tomorrow, when I have more time, I will try Babies-R-Us or Buy Buy Baby. They have to know, right?

You don't look like James, or Catherine, but a combination of the two, which is funny. I don't know if it's my memory playing tricks on me, but I see so much of my dad in you. It makes me miss him, but at the same time, I am thankful I can look at "him" every day.

I love you more than you know, little man.

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