Monday, November 28, 2016

Catherine: An Update

A month ago, we started hearing two syllable words. A week ago, we started hearing two syllable sentences. "No Boo-Boo (aka Drew-boo)" and "my baby" are among the most common. Instead of staring right through us when we say something, she is more inclined to try to pronounce the word. And every time, whether it's even close or not, we clap and cheer and overall celebrate this gigantic victory I thought we would never see.

You are SO. MUCH. FUN. Gone are the days where you would cling to us and cry. Gone are the days when you would throw yourself against the wall in a fit of rage. You sleep peacefully, rarely waking in the night unless you are cold or want a drink. Sometimes you wake up to tell us you peed, but rarely. Oftentimes, I am more than happy to change your diaper in the middle of the night, as this means you are progressing. You are getting last the horrible monsters that seemed to plague our every moment in this life.

You and James are starting to play together. It is awesome to watch. Your laugh is adorable and you want to do whatever James is doing. James has been a big help, encouraging you to use your words and being a great big brother. I am so thankful for my little family.

You love anything girlie. Purses, phones, dolls, getting dressed up, getting your hair done. It's amazing just how much you have "grown up" in this short amount of time. You are still small, but you are growing UP, and some of those 24 month pants are too short. Your coat is 18-24 months, but your boots are a size seven! You have some big feet girlie! You love picking out your clothes in the morning and your pajamas at night. You have become so independent and it has been such fun to watch.

I am so thankful, again, for all that has been granted to us. It seems as though we have friends all around us dealing with life-threatening illnesses and cancer, and here we are, truly blessed with all we have.

You, little girl, have a special place in my heart. I love you more than you know.

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