We have your nursery 90% done. And how thankful I am for that! We only have your closet system to put in (which...we might never do that, so if you're reading this 25 years from now, sorry about that...) and your changing table. Your dad will be making your changing table and I'm excited for that. He was going to make your crib, but it was going to be tough since he has been so busy, so we decided to just buy one as well. Actually, buy a second one...you'll have to ask your dad about that story. He'd love to tell it, even 25 years from now!
So in "designing" your nursery, I knew I didn't want to spend a ton of money on decorations, bedding, or painting. We have painted nearly every room in this house ourselves. I am DONE with painting.
A couple years ago, when we repainted your room as a guest room (it was BRIGHT blue prior to us painting it - be thankful you got green and yellow!) I knew I wanted that room as a nursery since it's right next to our bedroom. So we painted it green and yellow, added the new doors, trim and crown moulding. We had a futon in there as a guest bed, but I sold that for $75. Wahoo!
So then we found out we were having you, and viola, we had your room painted. Only, we had a TON of crap in there. The closet held all my formal dress clothes - dresses from my choir teaching days, bridesmaid dresses etc. and all your dad's dress clothes. Not to mention, other clothes, ironing board, iron, suitcases and other miscellaneous items that we had to find room for. And we did find room for. Although, it wasn't very fun!!!
So we moved it out, found room for it and began moving "you" in. So far, everything that has to do with a baby has gone into that room. And then I started to nest. So I wanted everything organized and the room ready for your arrival. So we got a crib that we didn't like. As I write this, it's sitting in the basement, waiting for a home. Then we got another crib.
I knew your Grandpa Tom had made a glider and ottoman for your Grandma Mary. But she didn't use it and had put it in her basement (yes, her big, scary basement) right before you were born. I asked her if we could take it and she said yes, so I knew that was coming. I also knew that you would love the mini rocking chair and rocking horse Grandpa Tom had made, so I knew that was going in your nursery too.
So I had a lot of the big things taken care of, but I didn't know how to decorate. I knew I didn't want to spend a whole lot of money. It's just not worth it (you'll hopefully get that common sense too...) so I figured I would make some things.
After a little research, I found a cool idea for a mobile. Superglue them to a sewing circle and let them hang. But I wanted to do something just a little more than that. But I left it and went back to brainstorming.
I had the idea to paint your pictures and use excerpts from songs your Grandpa Tom really enjoyed. So I picked "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, "Your Song" by Elton John, "I Hope You Dance" by Leeanne Womack and "Chattahoochee" by Alan Jackson. I have some really fond memories from the Leeanne Womack song and Alan Jackson with your Grandpa Tom, but those paintings didn't make it in there. :) However, the Elton John and Led Zeppelin song did. As soon as I knew I was painting the trio of pictures representing Led Zeppelin, I knew I had to make a "bird's nest" from which the circle of ribbon would hang. After a little ingenuity, viola, I did it. And it's amazing. I'm sure it will be outdated and probably a little "weird" when you finally read this or look back on this, but I think it's beautiful and I'm so so so excited for you to come and enjoy it. And I know that each time I rock you in that rocker, each time you sit in your own rocker, use the rocking horse and essentially, are in your nursery, a little bit of Grandpa Tom is there with you.
That's the most important part of all. I'm so excited to meet you and enjoy the nursery with you. I love you!
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