Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

I've been thinking more and more of what to do with you when you finally get here and less and less of you as you are in my womb.

Sound stupid? Some things might be, but give your ole mom a chance...

1) I want to teach you to do good things for others and why it's important to do good things for others. I want to teach you to serve the homeless, donate to charities, conduct a service project. Whether that's through Boy Scouts, or just serving at a homeless shelter on Christmas Eve, I want it to be something special. Something that teaches you to be a good person.
2) I want you to be able to express yourself. It's important to me that you have a voice in our family, no matter if it's right or wrong. I want you to be able to form your own opinions and justify them in an intelligent way. I want you to take those opinions and build your own family around them someday.
3) I want you to know that sometimes, your mom will be wrong. And I hate being wrong. And I will try to keep myself in line when I'm being proven wrong. Trust me, you'll see.
4) I want you to have MANNERS and understand how to say "Please," and "Thank You," without being prompted. I don't want you to be a robot that automatically says thank you and you're not sure what you are thankful for. I want you to chew with your mouth closed, address people in a respectful manner and know that hats at the dinner table ARE NOT appropriate, no matter how often your daddy wears his damn stocking hats. :)
5) Most importantly, I want you to be who you are. Whoever you may be. Whatever you want to be. We will support you wholly........ as long as you can justify your decision. :)

I love you!

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