Tuesday, March 13, 2012

32 Weeks! Countdown is now to EIGHT!

How far along? 32 weeks
Maternity clothes? Of course, I'm wearing the staples. Only it's been really warm out, so I'm trying to figure out some of my non-maternity clothes that may or may not work...so far, so good. But most likely not for long...
Stretch marks? No! Every morning I wake up and lotion my belly, so hopefully that's been helping. I've also been working hard to not gain *too much* weight.
Sleep? Sleep has been a little rough this week thanks to acid reflux/heartburn. Even with Tums, I've been waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But at least I've been falling asleep.
Best moment this week? Definitely my baby shower thrown by your Auntie Courtney. She did a great job and really went over the top, of course! I'm so grateful for her and I can't wait for you to meet her. You'll love her!!
Miss anything? I miss being able to move at the drop of a hat. Getting up quickly is little more than a wish nowadays. Now I just hope that when I do get up, my legs will hold my heavy body.
Movement? I love love love feeling you move in my tummy, which seems like it might be all the time... I dislike when you decide to have a "party" in my tummy at 4 a.m., but I'm getting used to it.
Food cravings? Not really.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I have finally decided that chicken - the smell, taste and sight of chicken - makes me sick. Your daddy made Chicken-n-Wice (rice...with no "r" obviously...) and the mere thought made me want to hork it in the bushes. No wonder I haven't really had it since I got pregnant with you!
Labor signs? No signs of labor, but a definite sign that it's around the corner would be the fact that sometimes it feels like you're going to stick out a hand and wave at everyone. KnowhatImean?
Symptoms? Still a little nauseous and now, incredibly fatigue. I cannot remember being this tired in my LIFE.
Belly button in or out? In, but the mole is out officially...
Linea nigra? Darker line down than the one up!
Wedding ring on or off? Today it was on. Yesterday it was off. Let's hope to go for more of the former this week!
Happy or moody? Last night, I cried to your dad about several things. Most of which he laughed at because it was really silly. For instance, I believe I cried for several minutes over the fact that I "can't...(hiccup)...can't really move that fast anymore!!!! (wail...)" It was quite comical when I look back on it.
Looking forward to: Relaxing and resting. I feel like I can't get enough of it. I love love love being able to relax at night and it's awesome. Especially when I get to watch T.V. and go to bed early!

In other news, your Auntie Courtney knit you an awesome beanie with a matching blanket. The beanie will be perfect for the hospital, I can't wait to put it on you. The blanket is adorable and it's not too "baby-ish" so I'm excited for that too!!!! I'm going to ask her to make one that matches your daddy's brown and cream beanie, but I know she's also really busy. I'm so excited for you to meet her - she's been my rock through a lot of things, and she means a lot to us. I think she might even be up for baby-sitting every once in awhile. :) Maybe...

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