How far along? 33 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have been sporting a few more dresses b/c it's been nice out. I even braved a jean skirt with SANDALS one day when it was 80. My cankles came back with a vengeance, but the weather has been so nice I really didn't care!
Stretch marks? I have been so incredibly fortunate. NO stretch marks for this mama...yet. I'm hoping it stays that way. These next couple of weeks, he will grow like a weed, so we'll see how the tummy holds up. I'm hoping and praying that I continue with my smooth belly!
Sleep? Sleep has been much better this week. With that being said, I'm not counting all the times I have to get up and pee. But sleep has been coming much faster and I sleep deeper I think. Sometimes, I wonder if Baby E moves at all during the night b/c I never wake up to him, I always wake up to pee...
Best moment this week? Has nothing to do with my pregnancy...and everything to do with your Auntie Courtney!!!! SHE'S PREGNANT! I have never been so happy, relieved, thrilled or excited in my life. In fact, I was so happy, relieved, thrilled and excited that when she showed me the ultrasound picture, I distinctly DO NOT remember actually seeing anything on the screen b/c I couldn't even hardly focus. And people say that, but don't really mean it. I mean it, I never did get to see the little peanut. But we'll talk about it a little more below!
Miss anything? Gah. I miss my hips not hurting when I get up from sitting. I miss my ankles not hurting when I walk too long. I miss walking normally...wiggling my hips, taking long strides. No more of that.
Movement? Last night was HILARIOUS! You "fell" to one side of my stomach and it was like an alien or something was taking shape!! One side was completely concave, the other side was sticking out like I swallowed a gourd. Hilarious! I took a picture and sent it to your dad! He thought it was pretty funny too!
Food cravings? Not really...although I did come up with a great meatless sandwich that I could probably eat all the time.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Still chicken. The thought, taste, smell, sight of it. And the deli turkey I bought at Fareway for my sandwich. Hence, why it became a meatless sandwich.
Labor signs? Not really. Although I have finally started to be able to identify Braxton Hicks contractions. Some people say it's like when you have period cramps. YES! That's exactly what mine feel like. Exactly like I'm having the second day of my period. Bizarre and very rare, but exciting b/c it means we're practicing for the real thing!!!
Symptoms? Some nausea, some extreme fatigue right away in the morning, particularly if my boss isn't there and I have no one to talk to!
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? Yes...and it's crooked. Embarrassing!
Wedding ring on or off? With the humidity, it's been off more than it's been on. I love seeing the looks on people's faces!
Happy or moody? The past few nights, I've been really emotional. Things haven't been going the way I want and MISS your daddy TERRIBLY. Last night, he came home, and even though it may only be for 24 hours, it was the happiest I had been in a couple of days. I love talking with him, and just BEING with him. He makes me laugh and I make him laugh and we have a good time together. It makes me sad when we're not together... I've also been having the horrible thought of the moment when my mom walks through the door to our hospital room after you get here...alone. Without my dad. I just so wish my dad were here to share this with us. He would be so absolutely overjoyed.
Looking forward to: Sharing this pregnancy journey with your Auntie Courtney! She's gonna make a great mom! I can't wait for the play-dates, even though they are very far in the's going to be awesome.
Otherwise, this week has flown by. All of a sudden, tomorrow is 34(ish) weeks and I can't believe it. Only a month and a half until we get to meet you (hopefully sooner...) and I cannot wait. I can't wait for Courtney to experience all of this either. It is such an amazing experience and I LOVE being pregnant!!! She will too, I can feel it! :)
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