How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? I bought a great dress, that's non-maternity, but made me feel less fat than normal. I wore it for work, and it was a huge hit! I felt very pretty, which I've needed in the past few weeks!
Stretch marks? No, which I'm very surprised about. My belly has gotten so big, so I can't believe I don't have something. But there's definitely nothing there! I hope that lasts the last 2 months!!!
Sleep? Sleep when I'm NOT in my own bed is definitely horrendous. I now understand why people have a hard time sleeping. However, mommy and daddy have a wonderful sleep number bed, and I have deflated it ALL the way, so I have a nice little cocoon. It's quite comfortable, and if I can get through the night without having to pee, I usually sleep all the way through. Every once in awhile, I wake up to you moving around, but otherwise, it's great!
Best moment this week? My best moment this week has simply been SLEEPING!!!
Miss anything? I miss all my non-maternity clothes...once again, that's #1 at the top of the list. I can't wait to get back to them!
Movement? Sometimes, I get really worried when you don't move for awhile. And just when I start thinking about it, there you are with a little shoulder or butt in my ribs, or foot by my hip. I love watching you move when I come home to your dad - I swear that you can tell when your dad is around or that you're reacting to him talking to you through my belly. It's so adorable and sweet!
Food cravings? Not really...once again. Just everything in sight, really.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really...
Labor signs? Not really...
Symptoms? A little bit of nausea every once in awhile, and sharp pains "down there." Not to mention the backaches and inner thigh pains! Seems as though my body is readying for birth!
Belly button in or out? In, but the mole is out officially...
Linea nigra? Darker line down than the one up!
Wedding ring on or off? Today and yesterday, it was off. All of a sudden, my fingers swelled horribly. I'm guessing it's because of the humidity and my lack of hydration! I'm definitely drinking more water!
Happy or moody? It was a little of both this past week. I've been crying a lot more lately, but I've also been very happy. A lot of stress at work led to crying more, I think, but only because there was so much going on and I was so tired!!!
Looking forward to: Doing things for "Baby's Arrival" this week/weekend since I have the rest of the week off... and making sure that we're getting ready... AND Baby Shower #2 in Des Moines!
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