How far along? 30 weeks
Maternity clothes? I've been digging the maternity/non-maternity dresses, leggings and boots this week. I've had to "dress up" for work three times, and all three times, I have worn this outfit.
Stretch marks? No, which is awesome. But I've been diligently putting lotion on my belly each morning, so hopefully that's what's helping!
Sleep? It's still touch and go, which is better than it just being terrible. Last night was horrible, but the night before was great. Tonight, your daddy is home, so it might be terrible again. Ha!
Best moment this week? Not really the BEST for me physically, but I've been having these sharp, shooting pains in my pelvic floor. Turns out, it's just my pelvic floor widening and you "dropping" down, so that definitely makes it the best moment!
Miss anything? Yes. And I'll leave it at that!
Movement? I love how you don't really KICK me anymore - it's very random and sudden and much less than it used to be - and now you more or less "roll" everywhere in my tummy. And I love it!
Food cravings? Not really. I'm chowing down on crappy foods, so I've tried to get back into the habit of eating healthy things, like fruit and veggies. However, it's not working out for me so well!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Labor signs? Just those sharp, shooting pains, which means labor isn't too far away!
Symptoms? Not really! Just the constant urge to NEST!
Belly button in or out? It's in...but my mole has begun to stick out!
Linea nigra? A very faint line on a very stretched, smooth belly!
Wedding ring on or off? On, although this week, it's started getting tighter. The humidity has made everything much more bloated and swollen than normal! Including my face!
Happy or moody? More or less happy this week - much better than last!
Looking forward to: My baby shower given by your Auntie Courtney. I can't wait! She always makes it a great time!!!
In other news, your daddy's out-of-town project for his uncle's house is nearing it's end! I will be so excited when we can relax on the couch EVERY night together!!!!!
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