How far along? 28 weeks
Maternity clothes? My yoga pants rock and pretty much, anything that's comfortable. I love changing into really comfortable clothes when I get home from work!!!
Stretch marks? No! Hooray!!! I'm super excited that I still don't have stretch marks. I'm hoping hoping hoping that it stays that way!!!
Sleep? It a little touch a go a couple days ago, but last night, I put a pillow between my knees. Heaven! It worked like a charm and I woke up this morning feeling refreshed!
Best moment this week? I saw you MOVE. As in, MOVE. My whole belly moved really slowly! I can tell things are getting tighter in there and you must be uncomfortable, but hopefully the more uncomfortable you are, the sooner you'll come out and join us! :)
Miss anything? Not waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom!!!
Movement? A ton! And real movement - not just kicks. I've noticed moreso this week than any other week that you do this twitching thing that sometimes scares me a little bit. It's like when you get an eye twitch, only in my belly! Pretty crazy!!!
Food cravings? Not really. I really like all of it! :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really, although I have been feeling slightly queasy on and off for a week or so. It goes away fairly quickly...
Labor signs? None!
Symptoms? I have an incredible urge to nest!
Belly button in or out? It's in...but my mole has begun to stick out!
Linea nigra? A very faint line on a very stretched, smooth belly!
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or moody? Still ridiculously happy. All the time!
Looking forward to: My baby shower is this weekend. I can't wait to see everyone and get all those great gifts that is going to make this even more real! :)
I love how I have switched from the count-up to the count-down! Only 12 more weeks until I get to hold you in my arms! :) I love you already!
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