Wednesday, December 11, 2013

18 Weeks!

Hahahahaha.... hahahahahaahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

That's me, laughing at the hope that this past week was going to be better. Don't worry, it was, exponentially...

Until Eric got the flu on Sunday night. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. And then James woke up every hour, on the hour, crying. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. And since Eric didn't feel well, I got to be the one to go and console him. Every. Hour.

Not to mention, this was an extraordinarily busy week for me and I was going to have to hit the ground running on Monday. And hit the ground running, I did. On minimal sleep.

Monday night was better - James slept through the night and Eric was feeling better, but not by much. Tuesday night was even better and by God, even though I'm still hacking away with this f-ing cough, I am coughing much more stuff up and feeling better about things. THANK GOD. Eric is feeling better, I have more energy, and James seems to be on the mend. Although he has a terribly runny nose and seems to be really stuffed up. Nothing a little saline spray and boogie wipes can't help! Let's hope we have turned a corner!

How far along? 18 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Yep, the belly definitely popped and that's all I have been wearing is maternity clothes. Gone are my regular clothes! Except my pre-preggers jeans. Somehow, those are still fitting...
Weight gain? Not that I know of. We own a scale, but I don't step on it. Ever. In fact, I think it's covered by a piece of scrap carpeting we threw to the side when placing our freezer in the back corner of our closet. I'm sure there will be some since I"m feeling better and I have my appetite back.
Stretch marks? No. I love my Bath and Body Works lotions!
Best moment this week? On Sunday, it snowed. All day. It was so pretty and I took James out for a drive in it. It was very peaceful - just me, my little man, and my little bean.
Miss anything? Honestly, I miss the feeling of being pregnant without any other kids. With James, I could sit on the couch when I got home and put my feet up. Now, I have a toddler I chase around, which makes me even more tired. Would I change it for the world? No. But I miss being able to relax my tired, pregnant body any time I want.
Movement? Yes, lots of pokes and prods and little kicks here and there. I didn't feel them so much today, but I did feel a lot of fluttering. With our luck, Baby Engels probably got the flu...
Food cravings? More like word-triggered cravings. I was watching TV the other night, and something about apple pies came on. All I could think about was how good a warm apple pie would be at that moment. Someone else mentioned french silk pie the other day and my mouth started watering. Hilarious!
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, not recently. Thank God. I'm done with that for now.
Labor signs? No, thank goodness!
Symptoms? Well... not really. Just being generally tired at the end of the day.
Belly button in or out? IN!
Linea nigra? Still nothing. So weird. I can't remember when it showed up with my last pregnancy, but it seems weird that it's not there yet...
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or moody?  Generally happy and concerned for my husband's well-being. He's never sick. Ever. So when he actually is, I know it's pretty serious. We're talking about a man who walked around with a torn meniscus for two years. And the same man who broke his hand, and never went to physical therapy. Just did it on his own. Oh, and used said broken hand to work, even though he wasn't supposed to. If Eric is down for the count, he's down for awhile.
Looking forward to: DECEMBER 19TH!!!!! One short week away and we'll find out what our little bean is! And if it's a girl, that will be karma at it's finest...

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