Tuesday, December 10, 2013

19 Months!

Somehow, after two tumbles down the stairs, you have made it to 19 months. Without any broken bones, black eyes, or major injuries.

Tonight, we watched you run around the house in circles until it was time to go to bed. And even then, you still had a ton of energy. But when you crash, you crash, which is awesome.

We have been dealing with a cold for almost a month, and a cough for much longer. It's gotten better, then gotten worse, then gotten better. We had our first stint with the stomach flu, which was.... interesting. But mom-mode kicked in and even at 3 a.m., I didn't mind getting back up to wash more sheets.

You are TALKING so much! My goodness! We're starting to hear more and more "full" sentences. When I asked you where the Christmas Tree remote was (to turn on our lights) you said, "I don't know" clear as day! Then all day, I asked you where the remote was (you like to run around with it and then drop it somewhere), you kept saying "I don't know!" It's adorable and we love hearing it! You ask "Where'd it go?" if you throw something behind the couch, or Kinnick makes a beeline out of the room because he sees you're in it! You said to me, "I want up" tonight with yours arms raised so I would lift you and set you on the counter. And of course, you say, "lights off" or "lights on" depending on if they're off or on! And you talk talk talk all the time, but I can hardly understand what you are saying. It's amazing to me all the things that I can identify that come out of your mouth though! We can have actual conversations and you're starting to really understand everything we say.

You are such a helper, oh my goodness. If I didn't know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth, I would say it's slightly on the annoying side. You help me unload the dishwasher and put all the silverware and pots away. You watch as we fill up your humidifier every night and then carry it yourself to your room. I don't know how your little body carries something that weighs more than a carton of milk, but you manage. You get your milk out the fridge for me to fill your sippy cup and you put it back. You always, and I am talking 99% of the time, put your toys, or whatever else you've gotten out, away. And if you don't, it's because I forgot to ask you to do it.

We braved putting ornaments on the tree, even though everyone told us not to with a toddler, and taught you to "touch nice." And you do, if you do at all. Tonight, you took a present out from under the tree and I asked you to put it back. You did, after you showed it to me, in the exact same spot. Maybe I should stop, because like I said, I probably shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. It's just so amazing to me.

I am also going to quickly mention that you throw things away. In the trash. And i'ts awesome. Anything I ask you to throw away, you do, with glee. Usually with some sort of giggle and/or squeal. It's awesome. Diapers, kleenexes, wrappers, whatever. When we ask you to give us something, you do. It's amazing. I hope the terrible twos NEVER hit!

I took you to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, and you were approximately 34 inches and 32 pounds with your little snow boots on. So it will be interesting to see what you actually are next week at your appointment. You're a big boy, I can tell you that much!

You love love love riding in the car! On Sunday, when it was snowing all day and your daddy was snowblowing the driveway, we took his big truck out to fill up with gas and make and emergency diaper wipes/diaper run (oops!) And we just drove around, through the falling snow, somehow through the Culver's drive-thru to grab a peanut butter malt (for Baby Engels, of course), which we drove around and shared. It was an awesome moment and I loved it!

That's all. Each age seems to be my favorite age, but you are really starting to blossom into my little pal. My little man, who loves to cuddle with his mama, play with his daddy, read books, eat dinner like a big boy off a plate and with silverware and god forbid we give you anything different than what we eat.

I hate dropping you off at daycare in the mornings, but I love picking you up. Always the highlight of my day. :) I love you little man.

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