Wednesday, May 14, 2014

40 Weeks!


I'm still pregnant.

I was hoping, wishing, praying that I would not be doing a Week 40 update. But here I am. And in fine form, let me tell you.

First off, let's start with my students, who can tell I've been waning and ready to be done. They have made me laugh and helped me to stay calm. So I've decided to just keep working. Since all our performances are over any way, my 7th and 8th grade choir are working on projects, where I just sit and answer questions. My Concert Choir has been gifted a study hall, much to the chagrin, I'm sure, of my administration. My Select Choir is working on their song for graduation. So... it's really just coasting from here.

But Jesus, I am done with being pregnant. Work helps keep my mind off it during the day, James helps me keep my mind off it at night, and mundane tasks after he goes to bed help me keep my mind off it.

But I'm pretty sure even with all those things, I have googled everything possible about the start of birth, signs of labor, mucous plug, braxton hicks, you name it. I need a sign and have gotten zero. TMI coming up, but I have had minimal discharge. If there has been discharge, it is not indicant of any stretching or dilation. I have had Braxton Hicks go away. I feel like I'm in my 28th week of pregnancy. I am constipated instead of having loose stools, which indicate labor is "on it's way."

I am having trouble staying focused on the fact that I want a healthy baby to come when she wants, and instead am perseverating on the facts that she hasn't shown signs that she is on her way.

And it's killing me. Especially because I like to have an agenda.

All this, combined with my "bad news" at the doctor's office yesterday, put me in a deep baby depression.

I'm pretty sure the words out of his mouth were, "Well, it's good, but not great." What the fuck is that supposed to mean? He did say later that he doesn't think I will make it to my induction, which will be scheduled Tuesday. However, when your doctor says that your dilation/effacement hasn't changed since the last appointment and it's just good, that's tough to hear. Especially when you want so badly to be DONE with this pregnancy!

So yesterday, emotionally, was a tough day. Today was much better, thanks to being so busy and keeping my mind off it. Not to mention, good ole doc stripped my membranes to get things moving and my contractions came back, which is exciting. Those same contractions did manage to keep me up from 1:30 a.m. to almost 4:00 this morning, so again, exciting.

But boy, am I done being pregnant. And I have an inkling that my husband is done with me being pregnant as well. I can tell he's getting excited, as he's been more patient with my mood swings (I'm sure no one has noticed that I am not moody or anything) and more helpful.

All in all, let's get a move-on, little girlie. I'm ready to meet my other half. :)

How far along? 40 damn weeks. If I have to do a 41 Week update, I will kill someone.
Maternity clothes? Surprisingly, again, I have been wearing more dresses that don't require it. And I've sold a few maternity pieces that I no longer fit into on ebay (woop woop!) So I'm slowly getting out of my maternity clothes, although it's supposed to turn cooler again, so I'm sure I'll pull some more out!
Weight gain? When I went to the doctor this week, it said 3 pound gain, but I was also very, very swollen. Not to mention the previous appointment I had lost 4 pounds? I don't know how accurate their scale really is...
Stretch marks? No, and that's awesome. I'm going to get through two pregnancies with no stretch marks. That's awesome.
Best moment this week? During professional development on Monday, my contractions got to the point where they took my breath away. I remember thinking, "This might be it!!!!" only to get up to go to the bathroom 10 minutes later and boom, GONE. Not even cramps were left behind. Just done.
Miss anything? Everything that has to do with no being pregnant. Bending over, drinking heavily. You get the idea.
Movement? Barely. She very much just prods at my stomach now. It's very very slow and hopefully, she will get sick of it, like, tomorrow.
Food cravings? Just the salads and Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Whoever thought of that cereal was a damn genius.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope, not that I know of! 
Labor signs? Just cramps and some barely-bloody discharge. I may have been imagining the discharge though. Not to mention the barely-dilated and effaced state of my va-jay-jay.
Belly button in or out? Out. 
Linea nigra? Barely!
Wedding ring on or off? Sadly, I have had to take it off, I believe permanently. I am just too swollen and can't get rid of it all the way. Most times, I can put it on, but I'm afraid that it's going to get stuck, so I just leave it on my necklace around my neck. Sooner rather than later it will be back on my finger! 
Happy or moody?  Moody. Poor Eric!
Looking forward to: Birth. Let's do this!

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