Thursday, July 23, 2015

Here We Go Again: 12 Weeks!

And here we are. 12 weeks. About 6 weeks past our lives turning upside down. I am going to do the typical survey that I have done the past two (TWO! I'M PREGNANT FOR THE THIRD TIME!) pregnancies, but with some twists. As I neared the end of my pregnancy with Catherine, I got bored answering the same questions that I not only did for hers, but also for part of James'. So, I hope you like it.

Random Thoughts from This Week: I am going to beg and plead at my next doctor's appointment, at which I will be almost 15 weeks, if they can schedule my ultrasound for the following appointment. Which will put me finding out if you're a boy or a girl in MID-SEPTEMBER. Holy hell, I cannot wait. Then I had this random thought about how I wanted to find out - should we put it in an envelope and open it with James and Catherine? Or take the envelope to a bakery and ask them to make the cupcakes with the frosting on the inside, then give one to James and Catherine? And then I thought, "Fuck that." There's no way James is going to actually take a big enough bite of the cupcake and I will end up ripping it from him, only to take a huge bite, which will turn into tears and a tantrum, which will make the whole experience terrible. Not to mention, the kid will most likely eat the frosting, and then say, "I'm done!" and walk away. Wasting a perfectly good cupcake with the secret still inside. I can't have that. Then I thought, "What am I thinking? There's no way I would last holding an envelope with the baby's gender inside. I wouldn't make it to the cupcakery!" So... there goes that idea. Eh, it was exciting to think about for awhile.
Maternity clothes? Shirts, yes. Mostly to more pronounce the fact that I have a "belly" and hopefully most women will recognize the shirt as a maternity shirt and therefore, deduct that I am pregnant, and not fat. I'm still squeezing into some shorts, and one pair of jeans. Luckily, I'm big into yoga pants and skirts right now. Anything that is up on the waist: negative.
Weight gain? Probably!
Stretch marks? No. Hopefully I go three for three.
Best moment this week? I had a date day with James today, and it was truly fun. There were no meltdowns, and he's really starting to communicate in full sentences, to the point where we can have real conversations. I love it. Also, I got a ton of maternity clothes, both ones I had before and new-to-me from a friend of mine. Wahoo!!! And surprisingly, the size 8's all fit. That made my day!
Worst moment this week? Realizing that I have to kiss all my cute clothes good bye, once again. And so soon... Also, this round ligament pain, and the feeling that my pubic bone is splitting apart. Really? So soon? Ugh. WHY IS EVERYTHING HAPPENING SO SOON?
Miss anything? Not getting nauseous, and having energy. I miss energy. And sleep. Although I already sleep a lot. But I miss getting more sleep. I miss not cringing at random foods, especially when it's ready-to-eat, or on a fork approaching my mouth and all of a sudden my gag reflex kicks in, and that sucks. Bye-bye, full plate of food. You looked delicious...
Movement? No. Duh.
Food cravings? Anything "light," which means fresh fruit, small meals, and lots of cereal. Peanut Butter Captain Crunch to be exact. Which is hilarious because that's what I loved with Catherine.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Sharp cheddar cheese. Now there's a new one. It smells like feet and makes me cringe when I eat it. Hence, I have stopped putting it on my salad and even avoided it tonight when we had tacos. Weird. I love sharp cheddar cheese.
What pissed you off this week? Nothing really. Which is interesting, since I came up with this question... It's most likely a pre-emptive question as I know something will later in the course of this pregnancy.
Emotional Pendulum: Swinging toward happy this week. Amazingly. I am starting to accept and even possibly get excited about this baby.

1 comment:

  1. I need the "what pissed you off this week" in my updates. It would probably take up most of the update - basically everything pisses me off. :/
    You're already 12 weeks - crazy!!!
