Friday, July 31, 2015

13 Weeks!

It's been a week, but a very slow one. I look at the calendar and my due date seems so far away, but seems so close. Ugh. Onward.

Random Thoughts from This Week: I wonder if there is such a thing as lactose intolerance during pregnancy? Also, I wonder how much weight I've gained?
Maternity clothes? Yes. Just this morning, I tried to get into my regular shorts. Not. Happening. Well, it did, but it wasn't comfortable when I sat down and the waistline dug into my stomach, which is already hard. What the hell?
Weight gain? Probably!
Stretch marks? No, surprisingly.
Best moment this week? I felt GOOD ALL DAY on Wednesday. Until I ate pizza. At 9:00 at night. The heartburn and acid reflux and general feeling of shittiness lasted well past midnight. It was so terrible, I ended up taking some reflux medicine that I had for Catherine. Since these pregnancies are so close together, it hadn't expired yet, thank God!
Worst moment this week? Yesterday, I had yogurt at about 3:00 when Catherine had her snack. I felt like absolute shit afterward. After looking at my diet for the last couple of days, I'm wondering if I haven't developed a dairy intolerance, or at least some sort of lactose intolerance. Every time I eat dairy, I feel like shit afterward. And not morning-sickness-shitty, but upset-stomach-shitty. It's shitty, needless to say.
Miss anything? Having energy. I still don't have a lot of energy. It seems some days are better than others, but this morning was tough. It didn't help that I was up with James for almost an hour this morning around 4:30 a.m. Silly boy saw the sun coming up and decided it was time to get it. He always says, "The sun's awake, mom!" It reminds me of that scene in Frozen where Ana says, "The sun's awake, so I'm awake, so it's time to play!" That's James, to a T. I also miss sleep. A thorough night's sleep.
Movement? No. But I do get popping sensations in my abdomen every once in awhile that could possibly be movement, but is more than likely something to do with this weird dairy intolerance.
Food cravings? Cheese balls. Holy hell. Which, of course, after I eat them, I feel like I'm dying a slow, terrible, stomach-achy death. BUT, they are so damn delicious.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I got some hot dogs out for James and Catherine last night, since I was feeling pretty terrible and wasn't up to actually making anything decent to eat. I thought i was going to puke. I actually gagged a little.
What pissed you off this week? People need to learn how to do their God damned job. Seriously. Also, I have a student teacher coming in the fall, who actually went to B-F. Which ethically, is not a good move. I taught private lessons to students in a metro school district while in college, and I couldn't student teach there for that simple fact. This college from which I am receiving a student teacher does things differently, but I don't know how they think it's ok to student teach in a district from where you graduated. Ummm... hello???? Not to mention, NO ONE told me this prior to me accepting a student teacher. Had I known that, I would have said NO. HOpefully, this isn't a weird experience...
Emotional Pendulum: Still swinging toward happy. Minus the feeling like shit, in which I usually turn into a writhing, emotional child.

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