Thursday, August 6, 2015

14 Weeks!

Not a whole lot to report this week, possibly because I have been busy as hell. I'm looking around wondering where the hell this week actually went. Guess I will be saying goodbye to summer soon!!!

Random Thoughts from This Week: Seriously? This pregnancy has to not only be unplanned, but I have to develop a weird dairy intolerance where if I eat ANYTHING with dairy in it, it feels like I swallowed a brick and I writhe around in pain for a good 8 hours. Awesome.
Maternity clothes? Tops, no. Pants, YES.
Weight gain? Most likely. I have a doctors appointment on Monday, so we shall see how that goes.
Stretch marks? No, surprisingly.
Best moment this week? Today I got to "hang out" with my Select Choir, which was awesome. I forgot how much fun high school students are compared to a three and one year old.
Worst moment this week? Dairy-free grocery shopping, because you have to bypass all the regular stuff you would normally buy (yogurt) and buy the crappy alternative (coconut yogurt...)
Miss anything? Dairy? Seriously, SLEEP. For some reason, pregnancy insomnia is kicking my ass.
Movement? No. The movements I might have felt earlier? Definitely a dairy intolerance.
Food cravings? Dairy?
Anything make you queasy or sick? Dairy.
What pissed you off this week? Discovering that after actually cutting dairy out of my diet, I felt GREAT. It sucked ass, because that was the kicker. It was that moment that I knew I would have to be dairy free this pregnancy.

Emotional Pendulum: Surprisingly swinging toward happy. I am starting to really get excited for this baby, especially since James is becoming more and more independent. 

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