Wednesday, February 12, 2014

21 Months!

You are such a little boy now! My goodness! It always throws me off when I see how much you're picking up. Tonight, we went to the store to buy daddy's Valentine's day gift (much needed BOXERS), and you tried to push the door. I told you you had to pull, and you did! Crazy!

You are talking so much and it's so much fun to watch you with your little friends at daycare! I love going to pick you up early and just watching you run around with Ella. It seems as thought Ella might be your bestie, and I think you might have a crush on her. We're in luck in that they live right across the cul-de-sac too, so you are able to look out your bedroom window and hopefully NOT into hers. :) But you can at least see her house. Yesterday when I picked you up from daycare, you two were chasing each other around, kissing each other! It was adorable!

Christy, our babysitter, loves you and is always telling you how much you help at daycare, and what a joy you are. It's always nice to hear that you are, truly, a good little boy who simply has his bad moments.

Speaking of which, you are starting to have your bad moments during diaper changes, which baffles us because you get your own diaper and wipes at daycare and then just lay down on the ground. Tonight, you wanted to play with the tablet before bed, which I'm not opposed to as you usually just thumb through it, not really stopping on anything. I think you just like watching the icons go by. So I told you I would let you play with it after you got your diaper changed and your pajamas on. Boom. Done deal. You went into your room, grabbed the diaper and wipes, and laid down on the floor!

We've been using stickers to the point where I might have to buy out the Dollar Store sometime soon. But it works, so I don't question it. You love your stickers, and sticking them on the sticker board is such a joy. You love helping dad "fix" the fire place when the pilot light goes out (which happens all too often, for some reason).

When I pick you up from daycare, my keyword to get you to move faster is "dad." You love your daddy and cannot wait to see him at the end of the day. It's fun to see how you run into the house and call for him

We've been trying to get out and do more things with you because I think you get bored so easily with us. It's so much easier, as well, to just wear you out and then get home and put you to bed. You seem to do so much better when we are out and about, especially because you're rarely in the car, and I think you really like car rides.

We have a very special bed time routine that I will forever cherish, even when it's long gone. We say our prayers, and your dad picks you up (it hurts my belly now that I'm getting bigger...). You kiss your dad, your dad kisses me, you kiss me, and it goes like that for a little while. It's fun and special and we do it with just your night light and projector going, so there's barely any light. I love it and will be very sad when those days are gone.

You give excellent hugs. Your laugh is contagious and I cannot fathom life without you. Well, I lie. I can. And it was not near as joyous, tiring, frustrating, loving or full as it is now. I had a high school friend lose his daughter today after 5 months of life. I cried in my office for 15 minutes after I heard the news. It broke my heart to think of having to go through that as a parent. I hope I never have to. I love you James Thomas.

You are truly my everything!

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