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Baby Girl Engels at 28 Weeks! |
Hellllllllloooooooooooooooo third trimester! I thought you would never get here, but at the same time, it feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant.
(Update: because of the "blizzard" yesterday, our ultrasound tech wasn't busy...at all. So we had a vaginal scan to check on the placenta and then the ultrasound technician said, "Let's do a tummy scan, just for fun." Uh, ok! So we spent about 15 watching baby girl move and open her mouth and stick out her tongue. It was seriously awesome. Then the tech got another wand out, clicked a few keys on the keyboard and boom! There she was in 3D. And she looks exactly like James did! So crazy! But in all that, the placenta has moved and we are all good for a vagonal birth... Unless baby girl stays transverse with her butt at the bottom, head in the left rib cage and feet in the right. But she has plenty of time to turn! As far as the rest of the appointment, it was a long one, but worth it to see Baby Girl Engels!)
How far along? 28 Weeks! Wahoo!
Maternity clothes? Of course. Today I was wearing my brown pants, white shirt, brown flats, and a cute pearl necklace with a floral accent on the side, and a student told me I looked really pretty today. It made my day!!!!!!!!
Weight gain? I'm pretty sure only the typical 3-4 pounds (Update: I was right on the money with only 3 pounds gained). I stubbed my toe on our scale in the basement moving something else (it's buried beneath God knows what) and decided to step on it. Granted, it has never worked correctly, but I've made it work for the most part. I think I've gained a few pounds since my last appointment, taking me somewhere in the upper 160's, which I'm ok with. Some people my height would have a hard time with that weight, but to be completely honest, at 150, I look like I weigh 130. It's really bizarre, and it's not like when I weigh 150 that I actually have fat on my body. The least I've weighed in my female adulthood was a dangerous 145, and I looked anemic. It was kind of gross. So I'm pretty happy that I've only gained about 18 pounds. My pregnancy calculator said that I should gain about 11 pounds in the third trimester, which would only put me in the 170's. That's only about 20 pounds more than I would normally weigh, so I'm good with that. It's healthy, but not the unhealthy 40 pounds I gained with James!
Stretch marks? No, thankfully. Still lotioning up!
Best moment this week? Eric's mom came to visit, so we were able to escape for a night out. We went out to eat, and then saw a movie. We're really homebodies and like to be at home, or at someone else's home. We hate spending money like that, but at the same time, sometimes we need that. It was nice to sit across from Eric and talk about adult things, instead of trying to keep James occupied. Not to mention we had a snow day on Monday, so we were able to take some time to work on our master bedroom/closet/bathroom remodel, which was nice. One of our favorite things to do together are home renovations and we've done them all - remodeled bedrooms, bathrooms, our living room and dining room, sided our house, put in new windows, insulated our attic, finished our basement. All by ourselves. Although it was hard to move being almost 28 weeks pregnant, it was also nice to give my husband shit about how he grunts when he's exerting a lot of energy. It took me back to our pre-children days. :)
Miss anything? As of right now, not really. Everything is really falling into place!
Movement? Yes, and only on one side, which is odd. And usually, a ton after I eat (duh) and 9:30 or so at night, which is annoying! You also love to move during the night and wake me up when you're in my rib!
Food cravings? This week, it's been sweets. I've been dominating the candy jar at work, and buying candy bars that the post prom committee is selling in the teachers lounge every day. It obviously gives me more energy, but I also am craving sweet things. Which is probably where the pineapple comes in. I need to get back on that track rather than the sweets train I've been riding. But it's so good...
Anything make you queasy or sick? I can't remember what it was this week, but I wanted to puke all over the place. It was something kind of obscure and not something that I run into all the time. But oddly enough, I cannot, for the life of me, remember what it was!!!!! But I just remember wanting to gag in my mouth. And typical to my last pregnancy, someone posted a chicken recipe on facebook, complete with a picture of the chicken breast, and I wanted to barf. So, I haven't had chicken in a really long time!!!
Labor signs? TMI, but tons of mucus discharge. I remember with James at 28 weeks exactly, and the morning of my doctor appointment, I lost my mucus plug. I remember crying when telling the nurse, terrified that labor was starting and I had no idea what to do. She asked me if I was sure it was my mucus plug. YES. There is absolutely no mistaking the mucus plug. After checking me, the doctor assured me that yes, I did lose my mucus plug, BUT the mucus plug usually regenerates if you lose it too early and don't go into labor. Seriously? So I've been looking for that to happen again, but luckily, nothing! Although this time, I'd say I'm much better prepared!
Symptoms? Pregnancy insomnia is back (shit!). It sucks. Could be a direct correlation to all the sweets I've been eating??
Belly button in or out? In, but barely. I'm waiting for it to finally pop!
Linea nigra? Nope! Smooth belly!
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or moody? It's been off and on moody this week, thanks to me being so tired.
Looking forward to: TOMORROW! We have our ultrasound, my glucola test, and our 28 week appointment. I'll be anxious to hear what they have to say about the placenta. Hopefully all is well! :)
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