Wednesday, February 12, 2014

27 Weeks!

This week has really been a good one, considering I'm starting to feel the aches that come with pregnancy. I can typically move as quickly as I'm used to (power walking down the halls, running around my classroom while I'm teaching, but usually by the afternoon, I'm starting to feel it and I'm moving so much slower. It's tough, but it's been better than before!

How far along? 27 weeks! The third trimester is just around the corner!!!!! Wahoo!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I treated myself to some new ones. I bought the cutest Motherhood Maternity brown pants and burgundy pants. The pink ones I ordered off the internet are too big (boo!) so I think those might have to be returned. So sad! But like I told Eric, I earned some extra money and wanted to buy something that I feel comfortable and good in. That's important as a professional and a woman. So maybe people let themselves "go" during pregnancy, and I don't want to be one of those. I think I have too much pride! I also bought a new white shirt that I can throw with the black, brown or burgundy jeans and put on a scarf and viola - minimal dressing time with maximum effect. Every preggo needs an easy outfit (or two...)
Weight gain? Doubtful that it's anything more than a few pounds - although the Post Prom committee has had snacks for sale in the break room and I happen to have a few spare dollars on me every once in awhile, so I've been buying my share of snickers bars. But all my clothes still fit like they have, so I don't think it's been much.
Stretch marks? No, thankfully. I was rubbing my belly one day to help alleviate some cramps (or so I think it helps alleviate cramps, but I doubt it...) and she said, "Mrs. Engels! Don't scratch! You'll get stretch marks!!!" Hilarious.
Best moment this week? We have had the Iowa Assessments at school today, so each class I teach has been half of what I normally teach. Therefore, I have so much more energy at the end of the day. It's been great to be able to get work done while the students are testing and being able to just relax for a couple hours before I have to start teaching.
Miss anything? My crotch hurts when I wake up in the morning, from my one of two sleeping positions (right side or left side...) I miss it not hurting, I guess, but then again, that's what I always seem to say. I miss my pre-pregnancy wardrobe. It's just hanging there, gathering dust. Sad day.
Movement? Lots of little movements, which makes me think you're bigger than the 2 pounds they say you are at this point. It seems like your movements are always in the same place, so I also am curious about your position
Food cravings? Pineapple. Duh. I wonder if I'll ever get sick of it. Anything spicy is good.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not that I know of!
Labor signs? No - thankfully! 
Symptoms? Pregnancy insomnia is gone (thank God!) but I have been waking up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. Thankfully only once though. Otherwise, just the ole stretchin' of the lady parts! Wahoo!
Belly button in or out? In, but it will be out soon I'm sure!
Linea nigra? Nothing, still! So weird...
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or moody? Generally really really happy and it's been awesome.
Looking forward to: Next week we have our ultrasound to see how the placenta is doing! I can't wait to see you again, Baby Girl!

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