Monday, March 10, 2014

22 Months!

Update: today your daddy had to take you to the doctor thanks to vomiting, fever and hives. You weighed 32 pounds and measured 34 inches! At this rate, double your height you will be 5'8" when you are all done growing! I certainly hope not!

Wowza... I cannot believe you are closer to the age of 2 than you are to the age of one. And oh, my, how much fun you are!

You help out so much around the house, it's almost annoying. I will unload the dishwasher (trust me, your dad doesn't do it!) and you are right there, grabbing things out and handing them to me. Anything I ask you to throw away, you do. You pick up your toys without being asked more than once, you listen well if we take the time to explain things to you, and overall, you are the love of my life.

You are starting to understand what we say, and are able to answer yes/no questions with definite yes's and no's. Do you want a snack? No. Do you want milk? Yes. ALmost it's more like "mm-mm" and "yeah!" with those yes and no's, we can still discern exactly what you are wanting.... or not wanting.

You play so well with others, and are always willing to share your toys. Tonight, we met up with your cousins Hudson and Harper, and you were constantly handing them things that they might want. A cup, a book, a marker. It was awesome to watch you with little people and see how much fun you have with others.

You are a social butterfly, which is where you get bored quickly with mom and dad. You love being around people, even though it takes you awhile to warm up to them. You love chasing after other kids to see what they're about to do.

You hate it when we won't let you do something for yourself. You hate it when we try to carry the humidifier tank for you - you have to do that yourself. You put on your hat yourself, and you always try with your coat, but we're still getting what arm goes in what hole. You try to put your shoes and socks on yourself, but that's a struggle, especially with those big winter boots.

You eat well, always amazing me with how much you put away! You sleep like a log, and if you do wake up, we know it's for good reason and you NEVER wake up. I certainly hope your baby sister sleeps the same way!!!

More and more words/phrases/sentences are happening. The big ones at this moment that I can think of are, "oh, wow!" and "Let's go!" Mommy is too tired to think of wht else you say on any given day...

You listen to well to directions, and when we actually do have to use time-out, which really isn't that often, you learn quickly. SuperWhy is currently your favorite program, and we watch one episode before you go to bed each night. I think it's our way of getting a little down time with our little boy for these few months left before your Baby Sister arrives.

You are starting to run everywhere, you have boundless energy, and overall, you are the most adorable little boy I have ever laid eyes on. I love you to bits and pieces and am always so excited to pick you up from daycare.

You are your father's son. You like to observe, take stock of situations, and then react after making sure they are safe. You think deeply about the decisions you make, and you always know exactly what you want.

You always say you're sorry, you love using please and thank you, and it warms my heart that you are such a polite little boy. I'm wondering if your sister will, in turn, be hell on wheels. I guess we will see!!!

I love you with everything I have, and then some. I miss the days when you were small, but love these days too. I wish I could have one of each, but I know that won't happen again. I cherish these days, even when I'm tired and cranky and don't want to do anything, I do it anyway, because I never know when I'll get the chance.

I love, love, LOVE you.

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