Wednesday, March 12, 2014

31 Weeks!!!!

This mama is beyond tired. I know I sound like one of my high school students when I say this, but can you die from sleep deprivation? Because I think I might...

How far along? 31 Weeks. Holy. Crap.
Maternity clothes? Yes. And I bought two more shirts. But my white tank top from the first pregnancy was dingy, so I bought another one. Then my white v-neck shirt from my first pregnancy has a stain on the belly of all places. And it's getting dingy as well. So I bought a new shirt. Wahoo! Don't worry, the next few months I am sure I will utilize the crap out of them!
Weight gain? I'm almost positive, although I don't feel it. I know I've talked about this weight gain before, but I have to say that I thought for sure I was going to get as big this pregnancy as I did with James. But that is definitely not the case, and you can tell when I do the camparisons! I am curious to see what my final weight will be...
Stretch marks? No, and I'm hoping it stays that way!
Best moment this week? Let's go ahead and make the mo-ments (plural) this week and say SLEEP! I slept! And it was marvelous! Although Sunday night I didn't sleep. And last night I didn't sleep. But the other 5 nights this week - slept like a rock and it was awesome.
Miss anything? My vagina not hurting. Seriously. And all throughout my first pregnancy I heard about this sciatic nerve pain that women get. I now know what they meant. And it sucks. I miss not having that pain every time I get up from sitting or when I walk too much, or when I over-exert myself.
Movement? She is starting to move less and less excitedly and more and more fluidly. I will feel her knee (or whatever it is) roll across my belly or I will feel her get the hiccups. But less and less actual kicking or twitching, though there is some from time to time. :)
Food cravings? Pineapple. Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple. Although last night I shared an apple with Eric and oh my god, it was delicious. I think that might overtake pineapple. Otherwise, the cravings have really gone away and I am just a fan of food in general.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not that I can think of off the top of my head. Except for ERic when he comes home from actually doing manual labor. YUCK, he stinks! Sawdust, wood, the house/area that he might have been working in, smelly boots. Ugh. I like the smell of him when he gets home from meetings all day or something, when I used to be ok with the smell of his "man musk," as he calls it. Now it's hard to breathe.
Labor signs? Nope, which is a good thing. Although every once in awhile, I will think, "PLEASE START RIGHT NOW!" Like when I'm exhausted and James has some crazy flu-like temperature and hives... such as last night. Some people pray for their death at times like those (Lord, take me now!) but I pray for spontaneous labor.
Symptoms? Oh, just the sciatic nerve pain, the fact that I think I might have a hemmroid (eww, gross!), the constantly aching vagina, the fact that I'm always tired and my belly feels heavy. Like, those kind of symptoms? God, pregnancy is glamorous!
Belly button in or out? In, but after I eat, it's out, for sure.
Linea nigra? Nothing, although I'm pretty sure there are darker spots on my belly. But not a line...
Wedding ring on or off? On until I play the piano for three hours at musical rehearsal. Then it's hard to get off because my fingers are so swollen. It's been years since I have played the piano so much!
Happy or moody? Moody. But less so than last week. Thankfully. It must be the extra estrogen I've been carting around...
Looking forward to: Spring. Break. Although I will most likely spend a lot of time doing school things, I'm still looking forward to not having to get up every day and dress my swollen body. Thank God. And once Spring Break is over, State Contest is over, then the musical is over, and I have NOTHING more to do except look forward to my last concerts of the year, Large Group State contest, and MATERNITY LEAVE!

Here's to 9 weeks left! 

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