Thursday, March 6, 2014

30 Weeks! 10 WEEKS LEFT!

Holy buckets! It was quite the weekend, quite the week. So onto the update...

How far along? 30 Weeks! I cannot believe we are starting the countDOWN! Wahoo!
Maternity clothes? Yes. All of them. As many as I can stand. And some non-maternity dresses that have empire waists. I'm afraid as the weather is starting to turn and I think I'm going to start getting really hot in the things that I have right now. Time to break out the maxi skirts, but I hate that I'm so pale. I have a feeling my wardrobe, and self-esteem, is going to suffer in the next coming weeks.
Weight gain? Most likely. I've been eating like crap lately, mostly because I haven't been home AT ALL. Tonight, I was home for a whole 30 minutes. That's not enough time to make my family dinner, so off to Jimmy John's I went. Not to mention I had Jimmy John's for lunch on Tuesday because I took my students to an honor choir that was serving a school lunch for dinner. No way I was eating that! So I'm sure I've gained some weight, which is good. Means baby is growing!
Stretch marks? No, and I"m terrified that I will get them this pregnancy. I"ve still been deligently lotioning, and today I had horrible side pains. My colleague mentioned it was because Baby Girl is growing and my muscles are stretching. This immediately led me to conclude that not only are my insides stretching, but most likely my outsides, which will lead to dreaded stretch marks. Ugh. So I'm wndering if they'll show and hoping they won't!
Best moment this week? James. To counteract the fact that Eric played single dad this past Sunday and all this week thanks to Honor Choirs, performing with Tonic Sol-Fa and a three hour musical rehearsal tonight, I've been getting James up early and getting him to daycare. On Wednesday, I woke up exhausted thanks to my 14 hour day the day before, and was in a horrible mood. But James made it all better because he's always so happy in the morning! I'm so thankful I had that chance and wished he would wake up earlier more than every once in awhile so I can take him more than just a couple of times. Usually Eric does it, and now I know why he doesn't mind it at all. It's so much fun. The other awesome moment this week was last night, I had seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. Most likely because I was so tired. Kinnick, our curious cat, was climbing on my bedside table, knocked over a glass and woke me up on Sunday night. I panicked, scared him, he hit the lamp jumping off the table and the lamp came crashing down on my temple. I have a nice little bruise from it. Monday night was no better and I only got a few hours of sleep, so going into Tuesday, it was tough. Tuesday night was horrible, as I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep, so again, only about 5 hours of sleep. So I got home about 10:30 last night, crashed and boom, seven hours of sleep. It was awesome. I felt so refreshed waking up this morning!
Miss anything? Being able to move quickly, walking faster than I'm able to now, being able to romp around with Jame.
Movement? Yep, she shakes it about 9:30 every night!
Food cravings? Still pineapple. I can't get enough of the stuff! Water is still deliious. I've been really craving Jimmy John's, even though their sandwiches pack about 1000 calories (seriously, look it up) and I always add extra cheese and mayo to mine. I could eat candy all day long.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope, not really.
Labor signs? Yes, terrible Braxton-Hicks on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, I tried to get through them by staying active with James and taking him to Kidsfest at the Fairgrounds, but I realized that that doesn't help. HOwever, I can't figure out why I would only get them on the weekend, two weekends in a row. Hopefully this weekend breaks the cycle. There are some things I'd like to get done around the house!
Symptoms? I have been incredibly emotional this week. A lot of things have pulled at my heart strings and I've had a hard time keeping them in check. When at the Surf Ballroom, where Buddy Holly last performed, I saw a tribute to Don McClean, who wrote American Pie, whih is about the "day the music died." I saw it and instantly got tears in my eyes thinking of my dad. Ayeesh. NOt to mention I'm just so tired all the time anyway...
Belly button in or out? In, but by the end of the night, it's out!
Linea nigra? Nothing. So bizarre!
Wedding ring on or off? Easy to get on in the morning, hard to get off at night. I've been playing the piano a lot lately too, which doesn't help...
Happy or moody? Moody. Oh my God, moody. My husband deserves a medal of honor.
Looking forward to: Spring break is in ONE WEEK. I cannot wait. I plan to keep James in dayare and RELAX. Hopefully finish Baby Girls room and get some things done around the house. We will see! 

1 comment:

  1. 10 weeks?! Has this pregnancy FLOWN by? It sure seems like it (at least on my end)!
