Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Potty Training, Day 3

Today went swimmingly until about 5:30 this evening. But before I get to that, I will chronicle the day.

We got up and I told him we were done with diapers unless he was in bed. I made him pancakes, we lounged around and played in the basement, all without anything on his bottom half. Including no undies.

He went into his play tent, and came out saying, "I peed!" Luckily, the tent has a tarp-like bottom, so with a few swipes of a towel, it was all cleaned up. Immediately, I put him on his toilet, and he sat for awhile. I explained to him that we poop and pee in the toilet. He got up after awhile and we resumed play.

All throughout the day, his pee dance is more than obvious. So as soon as he would start that, I hustled him to the toilet and he peed. I celebrated like it was my last day on earth. He helped me carry the bowl upstairs, dump it in the toilet, and flush. Then we resumed play. About a half hour later, there came the pee dance, and away we went again, same as before. Only this time, it wasn't a whole lot. Not really thinking much about it, back to the basement we went and James started playing by himself. I took the opportunity to read some articles about potty training, laying on the floor right next to the toilet. The next thing I knew, he was peeing in the toilet next to me. No prompt, no warning, and completely on his own. I was ecstatic.

The day was much like that, only having one accident in the morning. Otherwise, peeing in the toilet was pretty simple. I remember thinking that this could not possibly be it for potty training.

I was right. On a side note, Catherine is horribly constipated... Again. Since Eric doesn't have the rapport with our daycare provider like I do, they didn't talk about Catherine's horrible 4 a.m. scream session that resulted in passing a terribly hard stool, poor thing. Beyond that, when Catherine came home tonight, all she did was scream. Luckily, I have potty-training duty, so I just have to play with James and watch for the pee dance.

While doing so, I wanted to catch said daycare provider and ask about Catherine's day. In our conversation, the fact that I was doing pantless potty training came up, and she brought up a good point: he wasn't going to be able to go pantless at daycare. So I tried putting underwear on him. NOPE he was not having it.

Thanks to an egg allergy, James has eczema on one spot on his back, which happens to be wear his diaper rubs... And ultimately where the underwear dug in. We do not feed him straight eggs, which cause him to throw up and break out in hives, but do continue to give him baked goods with egg in it at the recommendation of our allergist, who said he will most likely grow out of it. So I rigged a bad aid for his "owie" and we put on underwear with minimal complaint.

Only after that, we had three accidents, right in a row. The second time, he was very upset with himself, crying while saying, "I pee!" and standing over the toilet, no longer having oee to put on the toilet. Poor kid.

So we will work on it some more tomorrow. At least I know he is OK with sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. Tomorrow will be another day, and will include Catherine.

Remind me why I decided to do this again?

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