Random Thoughts from This Week: I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas break. I love it because I have time to myself. I hate it because my kiddos are restless and are in a different routine because I'm in a different routine and it screws everything up. But damnit, I want that ten extra minutes of sleep!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and this week it has been nothing but yoga pants and shirts.
Weight gain? Yep, sitting at a glorious 190. Every time I eat something, I think, "I'm going to have to lose this weight." At this point, I think I was only 175 with Catherine, if that. Also, I am pretty sure when I gave birth to Catherine, I was at 182. Sooo... go me.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Best moment this week? Physical. Therapy. Oh my God! It was amazing! She showed me all the reasons I am in pain, and then showed me how I can actually combat that pain. I actually thought I might be able to skip out of my appointment. Then I had an hour-long prenatal massage, and I feel awesome. I didn't realize how much pain I was in until I wasn't in that much pain anymore! Another "best" moment this week is that we actually started in on the kitchen. And we started with a bang. It's been pretty crazy, but somehow, it's actually still functional. Sure, we don't have a floor and are just walking on the sub floor, which is dusty. Sure, we don't have a counter top, but in all reality, we didn't really have much to begin with, so we're not really losing much. It's been a good time, but we hit a snafu today, so hopefully we can get past it quickly!
Worst moment this week? James has been naughty naughty naughty and tonight, I bribed him with a New Year's Eve party if he stays in his room after bedtime. He has made a habit of getting out of bed for one thing or another, which seems to be the norm every couple of months.
Movement? Oh my, yes. The other night, you stuck your knee out and moved allll the way across my belly, making my belly button pop out! It was crazy to watch, and certainly alien-like, but still very cool.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Because the stove is unhooked and Eric took down the microwave to put up a cabinet, I had to be really inventive when cooking dinner last night. We had grilled cheese sandwiches, and they are so good, I had too many and felt like hell. So yes, I was definitely queasy after that bout.
Looking forward to: I get to have physical therapy TWICE A WEEK. I am so damn excited, I can hardly contain myself. I can't believe how much better I felt! Here's to a few more days of break, and week 35!