Thursday, December 10, 2015

32 Weeks!

Random Thoughts from This Week: Ready to not have to bend over at an awkward angle in front of my students anymore........
Maternity clothes? Yes, and they are starting to get too small. How's that for self-esteem?
Weight gain? Probably - we will find out on Tuesday!
Stretch marks? Nope, and I'm hoping to get to the mall this weekend for a little Bath and Body Works lotion!
Best moment this week? It's been a rough week, but maybe today when my Select Choir sang at the Senior Citizens Dinner and was AWESOME. Not to mention today I had my first (of many) prenatal massages. I felt AWESOME afterward! She pinpointed all the spots that I have been complaining about, including my sciatic nerve, and it was amazing. I seriously felt like I was 22 weeks instead of 32!!!! Also, the fact that we have a decent bathtub that I can soak in every night is glorious. And I do soak in it every night. It's amazing. I just wish I could make it blazing hot like I enjoy, but alas, I have to make sure Baby Engels is safe (hence, no pregnant women in hot tubs)!
Worst moment this week? I have been very sore, and very tired. It has made dealing with our kids a bit of a handful. James has also been extra naughty and extra whiney and it has made for some long nights for this family of four. Eric and I have been strung out.
Miss anything? I desperately miss being able to haul myself off the couch faster. I also miss not having to plea every time I bend over, which makes balance very difficult. 
Movement? Right now, he is boot scooting. I can tell it's getting much tighter in there! 
Food cravings? Honeycrisp apples are in season right now, and it's awesome. I have been munching on one of those for breakfast every morning, and they are glorious!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope. I pretty much dealt with the majority of that last week with the flu. I am fully functioning this week.
What pissed you off this week? My y'all come sing choir has been incredibly talkative, so I channeled my inner bitch, and let them have it. If they talk out of turn, they have to sing their part for me by themselves on the spot. If they continue, they go to the library to write a paper. Every time after that, they add one page to the paper. Needless to say, they have been awesome. I am very excited to work with them this week since they sucked all last week adn when I came back from having the flu on Monday. Just a lot of kids who don't know how to work hard.

So here's to Week 33, which is making me nervous... We have a kitchen that we have yet to order cabinets for, lay flooring for etc. Although I have to hand it to Eric, he is cleaning and organizing the garage so he has a place to assemble the cabinets. We are going with Ready to Assemble cabinets as they are very inexpensive, but higher quality. Not to mention, we don't need any custom cabinets, so that will keep the cost down too. I am always so surprised at what people pay for things. Our neighbors got their cabinets "re-faced," meaning some people came in and sprayed them down with white paint, and they really don't look that good. We have done our research, Eric is a smart contractor, and it really is the best option for us right now. He will also be able to store and assemble them as we install them, which will mean that my kitchen won't be completely demolished and then rebuilt over time. Instead, we will demolish slowly.

The bathroom is almost completely done. We just need to cut the mirrors to size (again, my hubby's a contractor, so he got perfectly good mirrors out of a remodel he was doing and thought, "I should put those back in case we need them as mirrors are expensive." Smart guy, I tell ya!) and get vanity lights. I thought that would do it, but Eric thinks our toilet is leaking. He put some sawdust down and yep, just the slightest bit of water. He thinks it's the way he positioned the toilet. I think we have a crack somewhere in the bowl and need to return it as soon as possible. Just what I wanted to deal with at 8 months pregnant.

I read an article the other night about deciding (who decided this one??) to have the third kid. One of them said DO NOT have a third kid if you are thinking of doing any remodeling in the next 5 years. Ummmmm, we are completely ignoring that one. Remodel is about the only thing we know. But here we are, with almost 100% equity in our home (thank you assessment and property value increases...). Not a whole lot of people can say that... unless they can say their parents gave them a ton of money for a down payment. Haha. But honestly, that's huge. And our house genuinely looks nice. What I cannot understand is that we have a house that is 1500 square feet, with a 700 square foot (finished portion) basement, and a 400 square foot deck. We have acquaintances that just bought an 1800 square foot house, basement UNFINISHED and about 800 square feet, for $280,000!!! What the hell??? Why on earth would you do that? Do they have a three-stall garage? Yes. But they are only on a quarter-acre of land, like we are. And yet, they paid more than double we did? I'm telling you, foreclosures are where it's at. It's a lot of work, but in the end, when we go to sell this puppy, we will have a ton of money for a much bigger house, and we will still be able to live comfortably. You could say I'm pretty proud of that!

But, of course, I digress. Bottom line: we are almost done with our remodels. The question is, will we be done by the time Baby E3 gets here??? We shall see!


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