Friday, December 18, 2015

33 Weeks!

Random Thoughts from This Week: Holy. Shit.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I am squeezing into all of them. Luckily, it's finally cold enough for the staples: dress, leggings, boots. Add a scarf, and it looks like I tried. My biggest issue so far has been *gasp* the boobs. Holy. Hell. Where did these things come from? Why have they not gotten this big before? You can tell I've gained some weight here and there (face, as always!), but if you look at the boob comparison from pregnancy to pregnancy, this time, they are HUGE. I finally broke down and bought bigger nursing bras to give the girls some room because they were getting out of control! I have only ever been this size once, and it was when I was breastfeeding Catherine. Incredible!
Weight gain? Yes, believe it or not. Although I'm only up 20 pounds from the weight I was when I got pregnant, not to mention I was wearing boots, heavy pants and a bunch of shit at the doctors office, I am definitely as heavy as I was with James at this point. Which isn't fun. It was so nice to lose the weight so quickly with Catherine, and it was so hard with James.I am guessing that after multiple pregnancies, given my age, it will, again, be difficult to lose weight. Hopefully, not too difficult!
Stretch marks? Nope. I just might actually be one of the lucky ones.
Best moment this week? Umm... I had my concert on Monday night. Even though I wasn't happy with the end product, I spent most of it hobbling around because I was in so much pain, and at one point, I contemplated stepping outside because I was so nauseous, it's OVER. That means I don't have anything major going on until this baby comes. Thank God. Also, I was referred for physical therapy from the doctor, since she said my pain is just going to get worse as baby gets bigger. So I have my first appointment on the 30th, and I can't wait. I am so ready to have this baby and NOT be in pain anymore! Then, I had my second pregnancy massage, and it was glorious. Since I won't be having one next week, I scheduled an HOUR massage for Christmas Break. Can't wait! Already, I am dreaming of Gregorian Chant, aromatherapy candles and laying on my stomach. Cannot. Wait. 
Worst moment this week? Eric has been gone a lot this week already, and will be gone again tomorrow morning. Which leaves a very pregnant me trying to entertain two small children. I am thrilled that James is really into a couple of apps on his tablet and puzzles (OH MY GOD, PUZZLES...), and that Catherine is really finding her purse to be fascinating, but it is difficult to try and get down on their level and play with them. While I was hanging out on the floor (oh lord, the pain in getting up from that!) I had a bit of mommy guilt, much like I did when I was pregnant with Catherine. Soon, these two aren't going to be my one and only's. And even though we are simply adding to the brood, and I have been through this before, it is still the last time I will ever have just two kids. Pretty nuts...
Miss anything? Walking normally. I am officially starting to waddle.
Movement? It has started to slow down dramatically. Lots of pushing and squirming, not so much kicking jabbing. Which tells me it's getting tight in there!
Food cravings? Chips and dip. Right now, in fact. And Honeycrisp Apples. Oh my, how I love Honeycrisp Apples!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really anything in particular, I have just been feeling sick in general. I am guessing third trimester nausea is starting to make an appearance, which is always fun. At least I don't have to pretend that I've not sick, like we normally do for the first trimester!
What pissed you off this week? Mmm, nothing really. It's been a pretty normal week.

Here's to week 34!!!! 

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