Thursday, January 14, 2016

37 Weeks!

So I thought last week was bad. It does not even come close to what this week has been. Needless to say, it's been filled with sleepless nights, 12+ hour work days, absolutely NO movement forward on the kitchen, but yet, so many things have been decided and delivered (but not our damn cabinet yet!). It's been a whirlwind and Eric and I are so incredibly tired. Holy hell.

Random Thoughts from This Week: I am absolutely dreading the weight that I will have to lose after Baby E gets here. Ugh.
Maternity clothes? Yes. I broke out some leggings that I haven't worn before that are thicker since it's been so cold. Nope, don't even go up over my belly. Someone, get this baby out of me. I just can't wait to get back to the clothes that I am used to. Y'know, the ones that won't fit for like, 9 months while I lose this baby weight.
Weight gain? Hahaha, yes. I stepped on the scale at my doctor's appointment the other day and about fell off again. Up FIVE pounds. Really? The doctor assured me it's most likely water weight, and I do remember having something similar happen with both Catherine and James, but seriously, it doesn't make a person feel good. Up five pounds in about 2 1/2 weeks? That's not good at all...
Stretch marks? Nope!
Best moment this week? My mother-in-law had Casey's pizza delivered to our house last night. After the week we have had, it was an amazing gesture and we were so thankful.
Worst moment this week? James has been getting up multiple times a night. Combine that with the fact that I, too, am up multiple times a night peeing, it's been terrible. I finally broke down and told him that if he gets up in the middle of the night to come and lay with mom and dad, we will read one less book the next night. I felt awful about doing it that way. I talked to our daycare provider about it, who has become like my Nanny 911 at times, and she suggested giving him incentives, like having someone over to play. Well, Eric and I are going on a day date to finish out everything for our kitchen remodel (faucet, vanity for the bathroom etc., backsplash, wood for the open cabinetry in teh middle), and a little bit of "us" time, and our next door neighbor girl is coming to play. James LOVES her, so that is his incentive, even though he's going to get it. After many sleepless nights, last night, he stayed in his bed all night. This morning was even adorable as he yelled from his doorway, "Mom! Is it morning time yet?" And I was rested enough to actually reply back. It was better than the morning before when he got up, turned on all the lights in the upstairs at 5:00 a.m. and then went DOWNSTAIRS and turned on cartoons. Ugh.
What the doctor says: I am very swollen, so I need to watch that. I am dilated to about a 2, which is no surprise considering the contractions combined with the fact I am on my third pregnancy in four and a half years. I asked him about my extreme thirst, and he said that's pretty natural at this point. Especially in the winter. He suggested using a humidifier. Baby E is still pretty high, but a lot can happen quickly and since my babies seem to come without a problem, he said to be on the ready once contractions really start moving along. Looking forward to next week!
Movement? Yep. And I've noticed that when I have a contraction, you like to "push back." It's incredibly painful and uncomfortable, but all is well.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I don't think just one thing has been making me queasy, but just overall third trimester nausea has set in. There are times where I don't think I'm going to make it. It's tough!
Looking forward to: Mine and Eric's day date on Saturday. It's much needed and I'm hoping that we have some fun, that I don't feel crappy, that we both get some sleep the night before, and we get everything done that we need to. *sigh* God help us.

Hello week 37!

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