Thursday, January 7, 2016

36 Weeks!

Holy hell. What a week it has been. Tuesday we had Catherine's 18 month appointment (at 19 months....... oops!) and she had a fever and a raging ear infection, which we had suspected. So instead of getting her shots, she got Amoxicillin and another appointment for two weeks out. It was a good appointment, but it was a little disheartening. Again, the doctor mentioned spina bifida, which I really don't believe she has. Then she mentioned she was concerned about her lack of talking, or more specifically, the fact that she only says "Mama" for mom and "Nom nom" (no joke) for food. Sometimes we can coax "dada" out of her, but otherwise, she is mum. I keep telling them that I have a niece who was the exact same way: walked late, talked late, and now she's a normal 5 year old. I'm guessing Catherine isn't too good at her words yet, because she was spending so much time concentrating on those gross motor skills she needed to WALK. Now that she's walking, she's become so much more like a TODDLER. So I kind of waved it off, but made sure that I called the Physical Therapist for a consult with a Speech Pathologist.

Thursday was that appointment, and I have never met a more enthusiastic speech pathologist in my life. Holy crap. This lady was like Marcia from The Brady Bunch Movie. It was incredible. But she was very nice, and she said she would recommend a speech and language consult in a couple of months since she's not really using her words. Well, I hate to put it like this, but I was concerned about our appointment. Catherine was not herself. She literally just stared at the physical therapist and speech pathologist, and really just wanted to be held. And Thursday was the beginning of a very cranky weekend for Catherine.

Long story short, Saturday was terrible and she was completely out of sorts. I almost took her to Urgent Care because I truly did not know what was wrong. Even moreso on Sunday. Sunday was even worse. I noticed on Saturday she was developing some eczema on her stomach, but I thought it was because it's winter, James has some eczema in a couple of places (behind his knees) during the winter, so I didn't think too much of it. Until she woke up on Monday morning with her cheeks, forehead and chin covered in eczema. I called the doctor and said it looked like to me that not only was she having an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin, but she was also clearly not over her ear infection. We got a new medication that night and boom, by Tuesday night, we had a completely different little girl. Thank God, because the weekend was a nightmare.

Not only were we trying to deal with that, but in all our kitchen designing and re-designing, Eric and I forgot to order a 6 inch spice cabinet. Yep, that's right. There is one 6 inch cabinet that is keeping us from making hardly ANY progress on our kitchen. We are at a complete standstill. Luckily, that gave Eric a little time to finish our bathroom, which he did, and it looks amazing. I have yet to take some pictures because he has yet to switch out the toilets, so the new one is just sitting there in the boxes, but it's lovely. I love love love it! So glad that is off our plate. And so glad we got the tub we did. It's been a huge help in keeping me comfortable, that's for sure!

But I digress. So Eric and I have to order this new cabinet. I thought it was going to be as easy as going on the website and ordering it again, until I got to the shipping and handling, which was going to be FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Yes, for a $190 cabinet. I was appalled. So last Wednesday I called the company, and by Tuesday, they hadn't gotten back to me. So I called again. Needless to say, I did some digging and found another dealer of our cabinets that would ship the same cabinet for $60. Only we would be paying about $40 more for the cabinet because Eric gets a contractor discount with the current cabinet company. So, we had a bargaining chip, and they were able to help us out with it. It hasn't been a real pleasant experience, but it's done and cabinet will be here on Wednesday.

I haven't really had a chance to nest yet, as I don't really have room to put any diapers, clothes or anything for this third baby. We don't have a nursery for him, so I'm having trouble figuring out just what to do with all the stuff that you would normally keep in a nursery. So I tried rearranging Catherine's room, but that didn't help at all. Finally, Eric told me to just order a dresser, which is exactly what I did (eeeeeek!) and it will be here on Tuesday. That will seriously be the only thing that Baby E3 will have that is his "space." That's where I'll keep his diapers, clothes, and anything else he might require. Luckily (unluckily?) Catherine is still in diapers, so the changing table that I bought with her will definitely be used, when I thought we weren't going to use it for very long. Haha. Silly me.

Otherwise, it's seriously been balls-to-the-wall busy. I feel like I am constantly doing something that has to do with my health (see below), Catherine's physical therapy, not sleeping, or ordering stuff for the kitchen (or sending it back...grr). So onward, so this week's incredibly blurry update.

Random Thoughts from This Week: I do not know why I have sucked so badly at making meals for the past 12 years Eric and I have been together. Seriously, I have been forced to make crockpot creations almost every night, thanks to not having a stove, and I become the worlds greatest cook? It's amazing what you can make in a crockpot, and amazing how easy it is. Not sure why I haven't done this before!
Maternity clothes? Yes. I am going to try my jeans for the last time tomorrow, I believe, since it's jeans day at work. But I can't guarantee anything.
Weight gain? Now that I'm back at work not eating crappy food? Probably not...
Stretch marks? Nope!
Best moment this week? Again, it was physical therapy. I didn't feel better right out of the gate, but tonight I feel the best I have in awhile. She manipulated some things and gave me some exercises, as well as some tips when I'm moving (transverse abs, anyone?). Tonight, 24 hours later, has been great (even though I'm really swollen, at least I can move!). Also, prenatal massages. Why have I never gotten those before?
Worst moment this week? James has been getting into our bed at night, while I'm passed out apparently, and I will wake up with a little butt in my face, while Kinnick, our cat, is on the other side. I am a person who likes my space, and when I wake up sardined between a 3.5 year old and a cat, I can feel myself getting pissed. It's like, "lay with someone else!" Holy hell. Then when James isn't creeping in our bed, Eric will sometimes make his way to my side of the bed because it's deflated all the way, which causes him to "fall" that direction, and I will wake up with my face in his armpit, or his elbow on my forehead. Ugh, it's so annoying! So then I have to get up with James and walk him back to bed, and then I have to make sure I pee, because of course, once I'm upright, gravity takes hold. Not only that, but moving around in bed has sucked, and Monday night, my pubic bone literally popped. It was the most horrifying, disgusting noise I have ever heard. And then, I was in pain. So of course, I was up from 4:00 a.m. I could hardly walk. Luckily, at physical therapy that night, I described it to her and she was able to "diagnose" it as the fact I had dislocated my pubis. What? How does that even happen? Is that possible? Well, when you're this pregnant, it is possible, because your pubic bone is so separated. So she gave me some exercises, manipulated my hips and tried to get it to pop back into place, which is wouldn't, and unfortunately sent me on my hobbling way. And let me tell you, I hobbled. It was horrible. BUT, I've been doing the exercises and I actually feel SO MUCH BETTER! Hallelujah! So maybe my "pubis" moved back into place? I don't know, but thank God. On another note, I am so swollen that even my boots the other day were hard to get off. The ones that I wore religiously with Catherine with lots of leggings and dresses. Yep, could hardly get them off! Ugh!
Movement? Yes, and today was terrible. You kept stretching out toward the front of my belly, and I kept having to push you back! It was incredibly painful. Then, I get home, and have to stand in front of a dying griddle for 1.5 hours because I was making pancakes and sausage, and started having braxton hicks. Bad bad bad. I had to breathe through a few of them. So after supper FINALLY got done, I threw myself in the bath and I feel a lot better. And you're moving a lot less now. Maybe it's because we're both tired from the day.
Anything make you queasy or sick? The way some people smell, which is weird to say. But seriously, so people not realize how they smell? Just because you don't wear cologne doesn't mean you naturally smell delicious. Good lord. Spray yourselves!
Looking forward to: Tomorrow's physical therapy appointment, Saturday'd mommy/son date with James to see Goodnight Moon at the Civic Center (I HATE that book, but we have two copies and James likes to read it along with me at night, so I thought this would be cool for him), Tuesday is my birthday and finals start, so I'll have two nice long periods in which to get things done. The dresser comes Tuesday, the cabinet comes Wednesday and hopefully by the next day, we'll be able to start laying flooring. Hopefully. I hope we get this kitchen done in time for Baby E's arrival!

Here's to the ninth month of pregnancy!

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