Thursday, April 26, 2012

38 Weeks and a Trial Run

Well, here I am at 38 weeks. Almost 39. And we're looking at about 2 more weeks, TOPS, of being pregnant!

And before I get to my survey, I have to share our "Trial Run" to the hospital last night. 

All day I was having cramps. Just irritable, annoying cramps. I started timing them, but they were incredibly sporadic, so I didn't think much of them. I got home, taught a voice lesson, then went to the bathroom. Hello, bloody show!

Or was it really my bloody show? 

I had been checked about 36 hours before at the dr.'s office - I was about 3 cm (!!!!) dilated and 70% effaced. Holy buckets! I spotted afterward, but when I woke up yesterday morning, it was gone. So I didn't think much of it, until last night I went to the bathroom and HELLO, there was more spotty, mucus-y, brown discharge. I didn't panic, but I was a little shocked to say the least. 

So I went upstairs to lay in bed while your dad was out doing a bid. I decided to start timing the contractions at about 8:00 and yep, there they were. 5-6 minutes apart, consistently. Your dad got home and got excited when I told him. He jumped in the shower, all the while asking when we should call the hospital. I kept saying we shouldn't call the hospital just yet because the contractions weren't getting stronger or closer together. But Eric insisted and at 9:30 p.m. he called the hospital. I told him they were going to tell us to come in, only to most likely send us home again, but he didn't care!

When the nurse called back, she said to come in. The first thing Eric did was float into the room and say, "What t-shirt would a daddy wear to the hospital???!!!" and then began to go through his t-shirts. He said, "I do all my own stunts?" and he said another one, until he said, "Yes! I'm Really Excited to Be here." Yes. Your dad has a shirt that reads, "I'm really excited to be here." That's it. So that's what he wore. 

By this point, your dad is running around like a maniac. After getting dressed, while I'm still laying in the same position, he leans down, kisses me and says, "I love you so much. You're my soulmate, I truly believe that." It most likely would have melted my heart, only I was laughing too hard at the maniacal state your dad was in! But looking back, it's probably one of the sweetest things your dad has ever said to me. I will remember that forever!!

So he's running around trying to get things together, and figuring out what to take etc. I walk to the car, and your dad says, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I said, "Walking to the car, what are you doing?" He rushes past me and says, "I said I was going to pick you up!!!" I just laughed while still walking to the car!!! 

Once we took off, your dad realized he didn't have the camera. I laughed when he realized he didn't have the camera by saying, "I don't have the camera? That's the one thing you asked me to grab!" So we turned around to get the camera, but getting back into his truck to get the camera was a chore...

While I was waiting patiently for him to get his stuff together in the car before we left the first time, he decided it would be smart to put his truck keys in the house, lock the house, then put the house keys in the tool box on the back of his truck!

So he's running around doing that, while I'm just sitting in the car timing my contractions. They are still 5 minutes apart and sometimes feeling very achy and painful. But not so much that I can't get through them.

So we go to the hospital. At the same point in the journey that your dad realized he forgot his camera, he realized that he forgot the car seat! He asked if he should turn around and I said NO, to keep going and we could send someone to get the car seat if needed. 

Needless to say, they monitored you and my "contractions" which turned out to be hardly contractions, but what they called an irritable uterus. The nurse said that I'm still dilated about 2 1/2 to 3 cm and about 60-70% effaced. She said that they could keep me, I could walk around and see if anything happened, but I just said to send us home if that's what they would most likely do anyway. I'd rather go into labor somewhere where I'm comfortable!!!

So that's our "trial run" story. Pretty hilarious when I look back at it, but possibly the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Your dad was so incredibly excited, it was hilarious to watch. He's going to be such a great daddy to you, and you are going to absolutely love him. LOVE him. He's going to be so caring and so excited about every milestone and birthday and mud-pie you make. I can't wait to watch him watch you. 

In all this, the best part? Hearing your little heartbeat on the monitor last night. That made it more real than ever and it's amazing to know you'll be in our arms in no more than 2 weeks!

And of course, the part where your daddy told me I looked so pretty and looked at me like I was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever laid eyes on. Sometimes he makes me feel incredibly special. I'm a very lucky woman! 

How far along? 38 weeks
Maternity clothes? I air-dried my maternity jeans. They fit. Barely. Otherwise, it's been the typical skirts, dresses and t-shirts!!

Stretch marks? No and I can't believe it. Although I did notice that the stretch marks I have from my youth have turned a slivery color. Strange!
Sleep? Since it's been warmer, and since I've been warmer, I've been able to sleep without covers and the windows on. So I ball my comforter (yes, your dad and I have separate comforters and will probably always be that way) into a body pillow and that let's me have some reprieve!
Best moment this week? The dr.'s appt. on Tuesday when he told me I was 3 cm dilated and about 70% effaced!!! I was shocked!!
Miss anything? Just being able to move swiftly!
Movement? You moved a lot last night when they hooked the monitor to you. Probably because it was so cold!!! But it was so cool to see you react!
Food cravings? Just food. Lots of fruit, I'd say. I've been loving the cantelouope and kiwi!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nah. Just the thought/smell of chicken!
Labor signs? I guess. Last night I thought I had my bloody show, but it might have just been from my cervical check on Tuesday!
Symptoms? Just the braxton-hicks/irritable uterus!
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? Yes!
Wedding ring on or off? Off. Off off off. And that sucks. Every morning I try it, but every morning it's to no avail. It will have to stay off!
Happy or moody? Not necessarily moody, but just really tired and lethargic and TIRED.
Looking forward to: This weekend! We are celebrating Auntie Courtney's 12 week appointment - that is, if it's good news, and here's to hoping!!!! Otherwise, we will be moping at Auntie Courtney's house. I'm also getting a pedicure this weekend, so I'll have pretty feet for delivery! Wahoo! I love it when my toes are painted!

All in all, I'm just mostly excited to meet you! I can't wait!!!!!

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