Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Longest FOUR WEEKS of my life...36 Weeks Pregnant!

How far along? 36 weeks
Maternity clothes? Oh my. I have maternity shirts that don't fit. So I've been milking my dresses and leggings as much as possible. Even my favorite jeans don't really fit as well as they used to b/c my hips are so wide and my belly is so big!!!
Stretch marks? No! Woop woop!
Sleep? Sleep... what can I say about sleep... I fall asleep quickly, but I wake up frequently. Kinnick must know that big changes are around the corner because he has been either sleeping on my pillow directly next to my head, or he's been sleeping just beneath my pillow on the edge of the bed. There's no halfway with him - he's been all over me at night and it gets hard because although I love him, I also want my damn space!
Best moment this week? The doctor appointment yesterday! I am 50% effaced and dilated about 1 cm. You are also "engaged" in my pelvis, which explains the incredibly intense pain I have been feeling in my pubic bone area and thigh area. Which I'll talk more about below. But I digress: I'm excited at the fact that at least something is happening down there, which means you'll be here soon!
Miss anything? I love being pregnant. I do not like being this pregnant. I miss being the cute pregnant, where all my clothes fit, I was in a good mood all the time and I felt beautiful. Now I feel fat because hardly any of my clothes fit and I'm horribly moody. So I miss that. A lot.
Movement? Lots. And now that I know which way you are facing (head down, back to my front) I know what part of you I'm touching, or what part I'm talking to. Or better yet, what part your daddy has been talking to. Which has been your feet. That's hilarious.
Food cravings? Meh. Just food in general.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really sick, but my acid reflux is ridiculous so sometimes, I feel like throwing up. Otherwise, I had a chicken sandwich the other day. But it was my favorite chicken sandwich from Famous Dave's. So it wasn't like the chicken breast I would buy at the grocery store. Which is disgusting to me right now!
Labor signs? Kind of weird and gross, but I've been going to the bathroom a ton. I was confused because it is NOT normal, but the internet says that you do so to clean out your system before labor. So I guess labor is right around the corner!
Symptoms? Nope, just contractions and massive mood swings. The other night I was overly-happy about something and your dad said, "Good to know I caught you on the up-swing." He's hilarious - I can't wait for you to share that humor with him.
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? Yes and I think it's gotten better!
Wedding ring on or off? It's off. Still. Every morning I try to put it on, and every morning it's just a little too tight. So I keep it off so it's not uncomfortable, then I take it off somewhere and then it's lost forever. Which would make your daddy angry!!!!
Happy or moody? Lately I've been extremely happy. Things are happening around the house and I feel like we're prepared. Well, not prepared...but as prepared as we're going to be. We just need to buy some last minute things and we'll be awesome! I can't wait!
Looking forward to: Meeting you. Period.

In other news, I've continued to nest. Nest nest nest, that should be your name. Or something to do with nesting, like Twig. Oh God, wouldn't that be horrible. Today I went to Burlington Coat Factory and bought a few things - one of which was a three-pack of Carter's onesies. SO CUTE! One is white and says "Handsome." That's it. And it's adorable. And yes, it's going into your hospital bag.

That's another thing, I'm slowly gathering things for my overnight bag. Although I'm sure I won't be able to do it all until the last minute - but I have a few things. Candy, robe, socks etc. The rest I'll throw in when it's "time to go." Which I wish I had a video camera for, because I know it's going to be HILARIOUS as I will most likely be the calm one (because I'm spastic otherwise) and your daddy will be running around for me, thinking about how his life will never be the same. I've seen him excited, trust me.

I'm so excited to meet you, but I'm terrified for labor. But my boss put it in perspective the other day by looking around the restaurant and saying, "Probably 50% of the people in this room have gone through labor...and they're still here. They don't look jaded..." So she's right. I guess you'll come out either way. I'm super excited!!!!!!!!!

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