Thursday, April 19, 2012

"How are you feeling?" 37 weeks...

The question I get most days is: "How are you feeling?"

How am I feeling? How am I feeling?!

Here's how I want to answer most days:
1) I'm tired. Really. fucking. tired. It's not necessarily that I'm losing sleep, it's just that I'm toting around almost 40 extra pounds. Yes, that's right. FORTY. Do you know how much that is? That's like carrying around a 50 lb. bag of salt for the water softener. That's like hefting a five gallon bucket, full of water, on your shoulders. I currently have 4 ten-pound bowling balls strapped to my abdomen. How the fuck would you feel?
2) I'm hot. It doesn't matter if it's 56 degrees out. I'm. fucking. hot. And because I'm hot, I'm swollen. Which is awesome, because when my hands swell, I can't grip things like I normally can and when my ankles swell, it causes this ache in my ankle which feels like I just sprained it. Which causes me to not only waddle, but also hobble/waddle. I look pathetic.
3) "I'm good." "Really?" NO! but I'm not about to say that last part because I don't want everyone to think I'm a huge weenie. Which I am. But I am moody...and temperamental...and impatiently waiting to meet you.
4) Nervous. I'm about to push something the size of a "stalk of swiss chard" (wtf?) through my kiwi-sized hole (since we're on the whole "fruit sized" kick). Seriously? You can't tell me that people look forward to to that.
5) Sad. My life is about to change - drastically. Gone are the nights of lounging on the couch. Gone are my shopping trips where I'm freely blowing money on stupid shit. I actually have to start watching our money now, because there are things like 529 Accounts for college, and dental coverage we need for a toddler and let's not forget $3.49 gas. Yep, there was that mood swing. Refer to #3.

But instead of all this, I always say, "I'm excited."

Because above all else, regardless of the heavy feeling, the swelling, the nervousness, I am truly excited for you. So excited that I can get past hauling around four bowling balls. I can get past the labor and delivery. I just can't wait to have you in my arms, broke as a joke and the happiest person on the face of the planet. Only a few short weeks!

SO with that...
How far along? 37 weeks
Maternity clothes? Thanks to the humidity, my whole body is swollen. Which means my jeans are fitting even more tightly than they were before. It's been interesting...

Stretch marks? No! Woop woop!
Sleep? Sleep comes and goes...last night wasn't so bad, although I was waking up from contractions and having to pee about every half hour. But I don't really remember it. Rolling over is always a feat and I know I grunt a lot, but when it's dark and I'm tired, I easily block it out!
Best moment this week? Last night, I began having contractions. And they haven't stopped. They haven't gotten better or worse, or longer or shorter, but they haven't stopped. That's the point!
Miss anything? Being able to move frequently. And I walked by the wine aisle yesterday in Sam's Club...I miss wine. I can't wait to have some of that after you get here!
Movement? You've begun this "rolling" method with your little knees and feet. Sometimes, when I'm laying on my right side, it feels SO GOOD! Crazy to say, but it feels like you're giving me a massage from the inside out. It's weird, but feels awesome.
Food cravings? Nope! Just food!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really. Just the thought/smell/taste of chicken. Although chicken sandwiches etc. from a restaurant are not bad...
Labor signs? Yes, those contractions from last night and so far through today.
Symptoms? Is being huge a symptom?
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? Yep - and it's getting darker. What's even more funny is that it's crooked. Really, God? You had to make this crooked?
Wedding ring on or off? Are you serious? It's off and will probably remain that way until after you get here.
Happy or moody? Moody/Happy/Moody. I've been happy most of the time, but moody about 30% of the time. I'm just ready to be done with pregnancy.
Looking forward to: Some time with your daddy when you get here. He's been working so much, but promises to take at least a week off to help when you get here. So I'm looking forward to figuring out how to be a family when that happens. Can't wait!

Only 2 1/2 more weeks!

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