Thursday, April 5, 2012

FIVE weeks left...

How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing the hell out of my jean skirt, black maxi skirt and tanks/t-shirts. Although my t-shirts are starting to be a tad bit tight.
Stretch marks? No and I'm super excited about it!! As is your dad!
Sleep? Sleep is starting to get harder. Not necessarily is it the sleep that's elusive, but it's waking up at night, rocking myself off the bed, gaining my strength and bearing my weight to walk to the bathroom (more like waddle/stumble) and then get back into bed and try to get comfortable. Or really, just trying to move from one side to another with so much weight at the front of my body!!!
Best moment this week? The fact that you dad has finished/done so much around the house (although the other night, he would have been surprised to hear me say that)! He has finished the siding on the house (hallelujah) and put the lights up where the deck will go. I'm excited to have those little things done. He also washed the sashes of the windows in the living room - with q-tips nonetheless, so I'm hoping they stay clean for a long time! He's been really helpful and rubbing my back and legs when I need it. I'm very grateful to have him home so I'm not always overwhelmed by things. Although it's not necessarily the best THING this week, it's the best week of this pregnancy because your daddy is HOME!
Miss anything? Being able to bend over all the way, and get up easily.
Movement? Last night, you scared us a little bit!!! I was worried that you weren't moving, so I ate some chocolate. And you still didn't move. So your daddy and I tried to poke and prod you, move my belly, and talk to you, but you still didn't move. Finally, after about an hour and 45 minutes, you moved! A lot! I was relieved and your daddy was especially relieved. Since that moment almost 24 hours ago, you've been on the move non-stop. You must have just been sleeping and I bet you sleep just like your daddy! HARD!
Food cravings? Nope! I'm happy with whatever! Although usually I think about fruit and I start to crave it! It's so good!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Greasy food this week made me queasy. But otherwise, I'm pretty good. Occasionally I'll have a wave of nausea, but otherwise, we're all good!
Labor signs? Definitely more cramping/Braxton Hicks Contractions. On Sunday, I timed them for almost 5 hours and they were about 25 minutes apart. Then they stopped for about 2 hours, then showed up again approximately 30 minutes apart. So it can only mean good things that I've been having consistency I guess!
Symptoms? Braxton-Hicks and some nausea!
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? Yes and I think it's gotten better!
Wedding ring on or off? It has stayed off. I could probably squeeze it on, but honestly, it will feel better and be better overall if I don't. I would hate to get it stuck on my finger!!!
Happy or moody? Moody - simply because your daddy is home. It's been so happy and I'm so thankful to have him home, but after living "apart" for so long, it takes it's toll and I've learned a routine without him. So letting him in while not letting him disturb too much of my "universe" has been hard. But for the most part, I'm elated he's home and I feel like sometimes I follow him around like a puppy dog! I can't help it! I love him! :)
Looking forward to: This weekend is a three-day weekend. Your daddy and I will hopefully get a few more small things done on the house, and honestly, I'm just looking forward to my 36 week appointment next Wednesday! I hope I get to see another ultrasound of you! :) Also, this might seem really stupid, but I'm really looking forward to making birthday cakes for you. Football, baseball, race car cakes, whatever you want. But I'm looking forward to living my life around you. I'm so excited to meet you and hope this last month flies by (which I know it won't)!

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