Sunday, April 29, 2012

Much to be thankful for...

Every time I gripe and moan about being pregnancy, I find myself thinking that it's truly not that bad. For every negative, there is a positive.

1) The weight I am carrying feels like a 50 pound sack of salt. In reality, I am only carrying 42 pounds of extra weight. And even though I have gained the unrecommended 35+ pounds, I still look good, most of my maternity clothes still fit and I'm still able to move around. Albeit a little more slowly than normal. But I'm still able to move around.
2) My cankles hurt when my legs get too swollen. Yes, they hurt. And minus the spurt where I had tingling in my hands and feet, if the only complaint I have are that my cankles hurt and my fingers are swollen, I'm doing pretty good.
3) I am starting to lose sleep. Yep, only just starting to lose sleep. The past 38 weeks have been pretty glorious for sleep, and I know women who start losing sleep as soon as they hit 20 weeks or so. The only reason I'm just now starting to lose sleep is because I have to pee all the time. So I have to get up.
4) My pubic bone and hips are killing me. But I can still walk. And when I walk a little more than usual, my hips usually loosen up and I'm able to walk more ably. Every once in awhile it gets a little much, like when I went shopping yesterday and walked around the mall. But otherwise, it's not too bad.
5) My acid reflux is out of control. However, I've been able to combat it by eating a healthier diet. Weird how that works. I know women that, no matter what, cannot get over it, despite what they eat and how they change their diet. So I'm thankful that a couple of tums usually takes care of the problem, if I eat anything super spicy!

So all in all, when I complain about the havoc Baby E is wreaking on my life, I really can't complain. Simply for the fact that this pregnancy has been completely, 100% normal. There haven't been any scares, worries, extra scans by the doctors, intense conversations or major decisions Eric and I have had to make. It's simply been smooth sailing and I'm so very grateful that it has been. I think of all the women who get the news that an organ isn't developing right, or that they will have to have a c-section, or, like my brother and sister-in-law, they will have to terminate the pregnancy at 7 months. Each time, Baby's heartbeat has been regular, movement is normal and I'm thankful every day for this beautiful gift.

Life hasn't always handed me lemons, but with the most important things, it truly has. And for that, I'm incredibly thankful. 

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