Thursday, May 3, 2012

39 Weeks + 4 Days

How lucky am I to have had this "normal" of a pregnancy? 

With that being said, I'm really getting sick and tired of this normal pregnancy. I'd like you to come as soon as possible please!!! Only a few more days until your due date and I'm anxious to meet you. Very very very anxious to meet you. I think you'll be beautiful and handsome and we're going to fawn all over you. 

I also cannot WAIT to see your daddy with you - he's going to be so gentle and kind and loving and caring and adorable! I know you're going to steal his heart!!!

How far along? 39 weeks
Maternity clothes? I've been wearing my jean skirt, dresses and just about anything that will allow me to breathe. It's been so HOT (75-80 degrees...I know I know, but to this pregnant mama, that's hot!) and I've been so swollen! All I want to do is walk around naked.

Stretch marks? Yes. Four. On my left love-handle. Very very small and just look like red dots made with a pink marker or something. But they're there. What a weird place to get them!
Sleep? Sleep is officially fleeting. I have been off and on again with my sleep cycle, some nights barely remembering waking up a million times and some nights, I'm up for a couple hours in the middle of the night. I think I'm just getting antsy.
Best moment this week? My contractions came BACK after disappearing last Friday. And I've been having them ever since!!!
Miss anything? Being able to move freely, easily and without my hips popping every time I get up.
Movement? Oh my oh my have you slowed down. It must be getting super tight in there! Now you just moooooovveeeeeeee slooooooooowly across my belly. It's fun to watch. :)
Food cravings? Nah, just food. Lots of it.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really, just the usual.
Labor signs? Since no one else really reads this, my mucus plug has begun falling out. At least, that's the only probable thing it could be. I'd hate to know if it's actually anything else. I've also been overly tired, a little nauseous and very irritable. Oh, irritability isn't a sign of labor? Oops...
Symptoms? My irritable uterus. Bah. And my irritable attitude. I'm not sure what one is worse...
Belly button in or out? In/out.
Linea nigra? Yes!
Wedding ring on or off? Off. Still. Because it's HOT.
Happy or moody? Oh my, have I been moody. Your daddy has been taking it in stride and I'm thankful that he has stuck by me for this long. I've been trying to keep myself in check, but just an hour ago, I was crying in the kitchen when we were talking about something that isn't worth crying over. And how do I know this? Because I can't really remember what made me start to cry...
Looking forward to: Cinco de Mayo. Because I think this is when you'll make your appearance. Don't fail me, Baby E, don't fail me. :)

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