Friday, June 6, 2014

2 Years Old!

So, I realize this post is a wee bit late... like, almost a month. To be honest, I've dreaded writing it. How is it that my baby boy is already 2??

Your birthday came and went without anything really exciting happening. We didn't want to have a birthday party for you in the traditional sense, because we didn't know when Catherine would be making her appearance. Not to mention,, I didn't want to be that pregnant and trying to make birthday treats and goodie bags. So, Christy, your day care provider is awesome and said we could have a little birthday party during daycare. I took the morning of our 40 week appointment off, and we had a little shindig for you with cupcakes and a few treats. I figured, it was more fun for you to be surrounded by your daycare friends than just something little at home with boring mom and dad.

So your birthday came and went, like any other day. We waited for Catherine's arrival and I tried to make every last day with you count. We did a lot of things in those last few days, and I'm glad I did. Catherine is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to eating, and usually has me all to herself from about 7 p.m. to 10 and beyond, since that's when she likes to cluster feed.

We finally had your two year appointment. The pediatrician said you're developing wonderfully, you look good and you are a BIG boy! 91st percentile with 33 1/2-34 pounds and approximately 37 inches. I say approximately because you wouldn't step on the scale to be weighed and you wouldn't stand still long enough to be meausred. So I stepped on the scale without you, then with you and we quickly deduced the difference. Then I had you walk by the height scale while down at your level and saw it was about 37ish inches. Funny how we have to adapt things like that.

So your doctor's appointment went as well as it could have. You weren't the best behaved child in the world, but you also are very shy around people you don't know. Combine that with the fact that our pediatrician was poking and prodding you, and you weren't a happy camper. Needless to say, you got two Dum-Dums during that appointment! And yes, I am not above offering my child candy to get them to cooperate in a high-stress environment!

There are so many things you are doing now that you are 2! The most amazing thing to me is that you have friends! Real, genuine friends, who like to come over and play. And want you to come over to their house and play. And you do. It's adorable. Your bestest friend is Ella, who lives across the cul-de-sac, which is very handy. She comes over pretty frequently, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's because we let her watch Barbie Dream House and have freezie-pops. :) But all is good, she's a good friend to you. She's about to turn four and she helps you with several things. You both love to run and laugh and she holds your hand while you go on walks around the cul-de-sac. She teaches you different words and gets you to say and do new things. It's so much fun to watch!

You can jump, which is funny to watch as you're so big! You love your "beebee" and like to give Catherine your blanket. Usually, it's to cover her face, which we quickly fix, but it's very sweet of you. You have been sweet to her since we got home from the hospital.

You say so many things, I can't begin to describe. Some of it we still can't understand. You are constantly asking, "What is that?" which sounds like, "Wha ziz at?"But we get it nonetheless. We don't always get what you're pointing at when you ask, but we try.

You're also very funny when you don't want us doing something. You hold out your hand and say, "STOP!" in a very demanding tone. It's hilarious, unless it's past your bedtime and we are trying to get home from the park, which has happened a few too many times.

You love to help and it's super annoying. We love that you love to help, but it takes so long to do anything. You have to help buckle "Beebee" into her car seat, you have to help push the cart, you have to help load the dishwasher. It's incredible, but at the same time, it's a lot of consumed time that requires a lot of patience on our part. Luckily, I'm a teacher, which requires me to have a lot of patience, so I've had lots of practice simply holding my tongue and letting people figure it out. Which is what I have to do with you. A lot.

You love going on "rides." We are rarely in the car with you, since daycare is three houses away, so you love going on rides. You roll the windows all the way down and let the wind blow through your hair. During those rides, you love to tell us where to go. You will point and say, "That way" or somethings, just "that." Going over the interstate and seeing all the semi's and cars on the road is one of your greatest thrills. The other thrill is directing me exactly where to go, and somehow, you usually end up leading me right to Bass Pro Shops, which is only a few miles from our house. You love looking at the fish, stopping by the toy section, and watching people at the shooting range. You have also discovered how good Uncle Buck's fries can be (the restaurant attached to Bass Pro), so we've stopped there a dozen or so times.

All in all, you are a rambunctious little boy. You love playing with the "big kids" and are constantly running around. My favorite part of any day is either waking you up (when I'm home to get you up in the morning, whcih has been every morning lately!), or picking you up fro daycare. I love watching you discover things (bubbles!) and I love watching you learn.

People have a "favorite" age and I can honestly say it's this age. It's hard, it's emotinoally and physically taxing, but all in all, it's a lot of fun.

You are my heart and joy. I love love LOVE you little man!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading how similar our boys seem to be. I feel as if there is a lot of Dudding in each of them - which makes my heart burst with overwhelming pride (don't tell Scott I admitted that out loud).
