Thursday, September 10, 2015

19 Weeks!

Random Thoughts from This Week: Some people suck so much! Holy crap! How am I going to get through this pregnancy without killing someone???
Maternity clothes? Umm, yeah. People are STILL asking me if I think it's twins because I'm "so big." People... I already feel like shit enough about the fact we are incubating a third human,
Weight gain? Probably. Can't wait to see what it is!
Stretch marks? No, but I definitely need to pick up some more Bath and Body Works body cream. I applied that religiously the last two pregnancies, and even if it really didn't help with stretch marks, I don't really care. I will be applying it as religiously this pregnancy.
Best moment this week? Moments? SLEEP! Hooray! Lots of it! Through the night!
Worst moment this week? People can just be mean. I was talking to someone else about how sometimes I am feeling like I am on an emotional roller coaster, and they said it's because my hormones rebounded after being pregnant with Catherine, then I went on medicine, then I went off it, and now my hormones are going crazy again. So maybe I am being sensitive, but people still suck.
Miss anything? A clear face free of any acne. Cheese. Walking normal. Bending over. Playing on the floor with my kids. Sleeping on my stomach.
Movement? Yes! The other night, there was a pretty big kick/punch and it was awesome! There was no mistaking what it was. It's been awesome to feel you move around, and even more fun to try and watch for it. Love it!
Food cravings? Still eggs. Also, orange juice. And bacon. I had an omelet and orange juice this past weekend for breakfast. I had a BLT tonight for dinner. I have had deviled egg salad every day for dinner. I have drank almost an entire gallon of orange juice since last night. I would definitely say those are cravings...
Anything make you queasy or sick? Last night, Eric made hamburgers. I was so excited, I loaded mine up with ketchup, mustard, pickles, onion, lettuce and tomato, and the first bite I about threw up. I don't know if it was the seasoning that he used on the hamburger or what, but holy hell, I couldn't do it!
What pissed you off this week? People. And some students. But mostly just people in general.

On Monday we go to see the doctor and find out what Baby E is! So far, people are saying a boy. I feel pretty heavily that it's a girl. Someone told me that an old wives tales says when they are less than 2 years apart, they are usually the same gender. So I told my mom that, who scoffed at it: my grandma had 7 kids in 7 years and only two were the same gender right in a row. That's a fairly good point.

I will also be anxious to hear what the doctor says, as I am sure he will measure me. I honestly am pretty big for 20 weeks, so I wonder if I'm measuring ahead. The interesting thing with this baby is we have no idea when we conceived. With Catherine and James, it was one time, and I could pinpoint the date. But this time, I have absolutely no idea. So I wonder if I really am 19 weeks, or if I am a little bit further than that. Especially because I don't remember the date of my last period, but I am guessing it was around May 1, because my period returned while breastfeeding on January 1 (Happy New Year from Mother Nature!).

Oh well. Looking forward to Monday and finding out what you really are, E3.

1 comment:

  1. Seven kids in seven years.... Can you even imagine going through THAT?! How did Grandma do it?
    Also, people suck, whether you're pregnant or not, people generally just suck.
