Thursday, September 17, 2015

20 Weeks and 3 Lovely Words!

Random Thoughts from This Week: Oh, I'm so sorry. I know you are single, and not a parent, but no, I cannot move my rehearsal to another time of the weekend because I have already sacrificed A LOT to be able to have it in the first place! For God's sakes. Also, when you put a recipe on the internet, if the shit is going to burn, crust over, and stick to the bottom of the muffin tins, do you want to go ahead and put that in the recipe after "remove from oven and let cool on rack."
Maternity clothes? Yes, although tonight was hotter than the blazes, so I squeezed into some non-maternity shorts. Getting a liiiiiiiittle tight...
Weight gain? We had our doctor's appointment on Monday and yes, I am up about 2 pounds. Not surprising!
Stretch marks? Nope, and I have yet to pick up that lotion at B&BW.
Best moment this week? I took James to the SEP Homecoming parade tonight. He loved it! Every piece of candy he got, he would yell, "Mom!" and show it to me. It was hilarious. He was so cute!
Worst moment this week? Lack of sleep.
Miss anything? Not having mood swings. Low anxiety levels. Not hating most people.
Movement? Yes, and SO MUCH! You love to boot scoot every night about 8:00 and I love to just lay there and feel it. You are such a mover and shaker!
Food cravings? SALT. Lays potato chips. SPICES. Anything hot, or extra spicy. In fact, when I was pregnant with James was when I developed an affinity for really spicy foods, which I couldn't stand before. The more spice, the better!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really this week.
What pissed you off this week? People, people and more people. Especially people who don't understand I have a family. UGH!

In other, happier, news, we were so excited to find out you were a boy! We told the ultrasound tech that we wanted to know, so you would think that she would have said, "Oh, ok, let's check it out." Nope. Went right for the head. What the hell? That's not where you can find the gender! Finally, she made her way down the abdomen, to the legs... which were closed. So she went back up, got some better pictures, and then went back down. Still closed. So she checked out the feet, and different angles of the body. Then back to the legs. Still closed! I remember thinking to myself, 'of course this would happen to us - we want to know and this one won't tell us! Everything about this pregnancy is going to be a surprise!' Finally, the tech jiggled the wand on my belly fairly vigorously and got him to really move around. And viola, he opened his legs and there he was! It was lovely and I cried quite a bit, thinking about how my dad had so much to do with this.

Before the ultrasound, Eric went to a client's house to make sure his subcontractors got in ok, and then was going to meet me at the hospital. So I sat at home, and was compelled to read a story about a local news anchor, her infertility issues, and finally, her first pregnancy. In the article, a doctor stated, "A lot of things have to come together just so in order for one to conceive. 10% of the population have difficulty with fertility and 40% have dealt with miscarriages at least once." I am so lucky that I am in that 50% that have never had any issues with fertility, pregnancy, or disabilities with our children. Obviously, it is very easy for us to get pregnant, and for that, I am very grateful.

Finally, it was time for me to leave for the ultrasound, and I threw up a prayer to my dad, stating, "Dad, I need for this baby to be healthy, and I need for this baby to be a boy." Looks like my wish came true, and for that, I am so happy. Thanks, Dad.

You're a boy! See you in 20 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. The moment you announced #3 I instantly thought of your dad.

    I read that story on Erin! I worked with her briefly when I interned at WHO and had no idea (obviously not something she would shout from the rafters). So thankful you're in the 50%!
