Thursday, September 3, 2015

18 Weeks!

Random Thoughts from This Week: How is it that some people never grow out of the "high school" phase of life? You know, when you go from being kind of obnoxious, a little bit gossip-y, and a lot naive to a decent human being with standards? I've never known the high road like I am getting to know this one!
Maternity clothes? Yesterday, I squeezed into a non-maternity dress. Despite the fact that it went a touch far up on my thighs when I sat down, like, an inch above my knee, it still fit. Wahoo! Otherwise, I am rocking and rolling in the dresses. Unfortunately it has been BLAZING HOT here this week, so I am wearing all the dresses and praying for cooler weather when I can break everything else out of the closet.
Weight gain? Let's be real here, people...
Stretch marks? Nope!
Best moment this week? For three nights straight (and I really really really hope I am not jinxing this...) James has slept through the night until about 6:30, when I am getting up for work. Meaning I have slept through the night. Sweet glory, hallelujah!
Worst moment this week? Yesterday was the hardest single day I have had for awhile. The night before, my childhood friend's mother, a mother who really helped raise us all considering we were always around each other, finally passed away after a long bout with several different cancers over the course of almost 4 years. She put up one hell of a fight, and combine that with pregnancy hormones, I was incredibly upset. It just puts you through the motions of losing your own parent all over again, and I was ugly crying pretty much most of Tuesday night. Wednesday, I woke up to a downpour that had soaked the inside of my car since I had left the sunroof open. While getting soaked from the continued downpour, I dried the interior the best I could, but it had been down pouring for awhile. My purse was literally holding water, so I dumped it out in front of the air conditioning vent and loaded the kids up in the car... in the downpour... sopping wet... I ended up sitting on a wet seat and drove the couple miles to daycare. Only, when I got there, the downpour had stopped. I took the kids inside, noticing that I felt a little damp. Yep, the seat had soaked the towel, which had soaked the back of my dress. What's even more awesome is that this dress is a very pretty blue, but turns a dark blue when wet. Yep, my butt was dark blue, as pointed out by all the daycare kids. So I get out to my car prepared to go home and change, when my car started beeping at me. Yes, 9 miles to E! Only, I had taken my purse out of the car to dry and doubted I would need my wallet that day. Awesome. So I called Eric and asked him to meet me at the nearest gas station. All the while, watching the clock as it inched closer to the time I was supposed to be at school to rehearse with a couple of students for the talent show. Great! I filled my tank with about a half tank, then called it quits... still soaking wet, mind you! Drove to school where everyone seemed to want to comment on my blue ass, had two terrible choral rehearsals with a student teacher, and came home and cried some more, over not only the shitty day I had, but also, the fact that my friends' mother had passed away. What a damn disaster yesterday was. Needless to say, today was much better!
Miss anything? Dairy... still... I tried some sour cream on my taco meat today - no go. I feel awful tonight, and it was literally a little dollop about the size of my thumbnail. It's weird how I am reacting so much to so little of it.
Movement? Not so much the past week or so, but I can feel them every now and again. It's pretty exciting.
Food cravings? Still eggs. And the other night I had a dream about hard boiled eggs. YUM! With spicy seasoning. I might actually go and make some right now.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope - the routine definitely helps. I eat the same thing for breakfast, about the same thing for lunch, and not very much for dinner. It seems to help stave off the weird nausea.
What pissed you off this week? People that can't leave high school behind. For God's sake, you are over 50! Act that way!!!

That's about it. In a week and a half we find out if we're having a little miss or a little man. The closer we get, the more I want to know what it is, but the more I want to have her write it on a note card and take it to a bakery or something. But let's face it... I won't be able to wait!!! We will see. Eric wants a boy, James seems to think we're having a boy or a girl every other time we ask, so he is obviously not reliable, and I feel like we're having another girl. Catherine can't talk yet, but I bet she wants a little sister. She will love growing up with a sister to do everything with. Guess we will see!

1 comment:

  1. Go the bakery route!!! I PROMISE it's so much fun to discover the surprise that way. Hard as hell to wait? Absolutely. But, so worth it when you take that first bite to see pink or blue frosting. Bonus points if you can do it with family around. :)
