Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Big Week!

It has been a very big week in our house, and I have to blog more about it. I am so incredibly excited, moved, overwhelmed and just very thankful that we have the people in our life we do that have helped Catherine in the way that they have.

I got to Christy's this afternoon to pick up the kids, and Maci, her middle child, came out of her room screaming, "She's here, she's here!!" Maci led me downstairs, where Makenna, the youngest, stood holding Catherine across from Maci, about seven feet apart. Makenna put Catherine down and Catherine took about 6-8 steps over to Maci.

I immediately teared up. I was so damn excited!! I never thought this day would come. It's not that we thought you wouldn't actually walk. We knew, after the physical therapist and doctor's have reassured me that there is actually nothing wrong with you developmentally, that you eventually would. But at the same time, we have been through so much with you. So much worry and heartbreak and constant research on what could be going wrong in your development. Doctor's appointments and physical therapy continued to tell us that you "weren't there yet" but today you proved them all wrong. Even at physical therapy last night, we were talking about how she would write the insurance and ask for an extended coverage of her therapy (insurance only covers 20 visits a year per person), and they would most likely give us at least a couple more sessions to hopefully get her walking. I guess we might not need them after all.

I am so thankful for Christy and her kiddos.

So not only did we get rid of the pacifier, but Catherine has really started to move. Hallelujah. We are so grateful!!!

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