Friday, November 22, 2013

15 Weeks!

How far along? 
15 weeks!
Maternity clothes? The jeans are still working for me. But for the most part, I'm wearing leggings and dresses to work every day. Which is awesome because they are so incredibly comfortable.
Weight gain? Again, not that I know of. I think it's moreso just my belly expanding. I wore one of my concert dresses as I had a 7th and 8th grade concert last night, and it was significantly looser in the arms and bust than when I wore it last May. So I would say I'm probably still not really anything for weight gain. Not to mention I've been unbelievably sick, so I'm sure that hasn't really helped.
Stretch marks? No. My last pregnancy, I lathered my belly with Bath and Body Works lotion and last weekend, I went and stocked up (got $60 of lotion for only $30! Plus a free lotion on top!) so hopefully, that works for me again.
Best moment this week? So far, this week has actually been pretty miserable. I've been incredibly busy with school functions, so I haven't been able to take care of myself and rest like I should. So I got incredibly sick and boom, cracked rib from all the coughing. It's been pretty terrible. One bright spot in all this is that on Saturday night after the Variety Show, since Eric's mom was visiting, we went out for a late dinner at Jethro's. It was awesome to spend some one-on-one time with him and I am very thankful for little moments like that! Another bright spot? I am the proud owner of a bright red inhaler. No more coughing attacks where I can't catch my breath!
Miss anything? Breathing without coughing. Although that is slowly being replaced by coughing up phlegm. Praise Jesus.
Movement? None that I know of, but every once in awhile I'll feel a twinge and think, "Was that it??"
Food cravings? Hilariously enough, I was waltzing through Target and saw that they had FROZEN FRUIT BARS! Which isn't that funny, until you realize that this time in my pregnancy with James, that's the number one thing I was all about, all the time. Delicious, delectable frozen fruit bars. Mmm, mmmm, mmmmmm.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Tonight when I tried to eat broccoli, I thought i was going to vomit. Too much food makes me feel sick, and too much BAD food makes me feel sick. Otherwise, I'm feeling much, MUCH better than I did in the first trimester!
Labor signs? No!
Symptoms? Not a ton of heartburn this week, but nausea and feeling generally worn out, which I'm sure has something to do with the fact that I've been incredibly sick this week.
Belly button in or out? In!
Linea nigra? Nope! Nothing yet!
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or moody?  Generally happy, but very very tired, so not normally as happy as I usually am. And sometimes, I can get very moody. Being exhausted on top of being exhaustingly pregnant, is... exhausting. On top of that, I can barely do anything without severe pain. So maybe moody is more like it...
Looking forward to: Getting over this stupid cold/bronchitis (which is just inflammation of the bronchials people... not as bad as it sounds), and this COUGH! And healing my fricken rib! And hopefully putting up the Christmas tree with James this weekend, unbeknownst to Eric... muahahaha...

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