Saturday, April 12, 2014

23 Months!

Holy moses, you are 23 months old and all boy.

You have bruises on your shins, scrapes on your knees, new battle wounds every day and it seems like you are always dirty.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

You love truck rides and macaroni and cheese. In just this week, I have seen you consume three hot dogs, numerous strawberries, peas and a couple of chips that I snuck you in one meal. Where do you put all that food?

You love to hang out with dad and you seem the happiest when your dad and I are together doing something with you, which unfortunately, isn't too terribly often. But when we are both home, and we need to go upstairs for a bath or inside because of rain, you want the other parent to come with. Just tonight, we went out front to get the mail and you wanted your dad to come with us. After a short stint of "mama" and pointing, you relent and follow the one parent who asked you to do something... most of the time. :)

You are stubborn beyond belief. You would rather do things yourself, even when it gets frustrating and you begin to cry, you still don't want help. You just want to do it on your own. You are always trying new things, like riding tricycles, going down the big slide at the park, and washing your hands in the sink like you did for the first time tonight.

It's been amazing to watch you grow. You know how to ask for things with sign language, and you are constantly trying to communicate with us. It's been fun figuring out what you are finally saying, like "aye wah" is "I want." Not my favorite choice of words to use, but I make you say it with the object that you want, and then ask please on top of it. A four word sentence for a not-even two-year-old is fairly difficult, so normally you will say what you want and still sign please. It's pretty cute... unless you have crap all over your hands, and then you end up wiping it down the front of yourself in your effort to "say" please. Which is probably why you're always dirty...

You don't like change, especially in your routine. You love love love the outdoors and would be outside all day if you could be. Which you were today. It's so much fun to come early to day care and watch you play with your friends. You are still learning that you can't just climb over the littler kids when going up the ladder to the slide, but otherwise, you play nicely.

You definitely understand time out, which has been interesting. You also understand it when we threaten it, which is nice too because it normally gets you to stop. You are also learning how to push the envelope, which can make things really interesting at times. It also keeps me and your dad on our toes.

You are becoming so independent and it's so much fun to be your mommy. I love your kisses and your hugs and your laugh and beautiful blue eyes. I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life.

I love you little man!

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