Wednesday, April 9, 2014

35 Weeks!

Well, here we are at the 35/35 mark. 35 weeks pregnant, with 35 days to go. And the greatest part in all this? I'm. fucking. sick... Again.

This weekend was the musical, and thank the Lord that's over with. I have my nights back. I have my weekends back and I'm so excited to actually be able to spend time with my family. On Sunday, I felt like I was 25-26 weeks pregnant. I was limber, was able to move a lot, had a lot of fun with James. Monday was the same, and then WHAM - Tuesday hits and I have a stuffed up nose, sore throat and a bit of nausea. Not sure if the nausea has to do with third trimester nausea, or with all the drainage, but either way, nausea is accompanying this marvelous cold I have contracted. I'm sure it has something to do with the 15+ hour days I was pulling for the past two weeks. When you go from 15+ to half that, it's inevitable. Awesome.

So here I am, with post-nasal drip, chapped lips from blowing my nose so much, and some weird bit of nausea, just trying to get through the rest of this pregnancy. Hopefully, this cold won't be as rocky as the last time I was sick!

On to the update! Hooray!

How far along? 35 Weeks! I can't believe we have just over a month left. No matter what, in a month and a half, we will have our second child. Crazy to think about!
Maternity clothes? Of course, and they're all still fitting. I've also been able to squeeze some relatively cute outfits out of my non-maternity dresses.
Weight gain? In almost 3 weeks, I gained less than a pound. I guess those two weeks of 15+ hour days did me good. Curiously, I asked the nurse at Monday's appointment to check what I weighed at this point with James. She checked, but there were only two weigh-ins on record. February of 2012 at 24 weeks pregnant and June of 2012 at 1 month post-partem. Those two dates had almost identical weight, which is also the weight I am right now. At 35 weeks. I was astounded. It's not that I'm obsessing about my weight in the fact that I am watching it, and myself, and what I eat at any given time. But I'm obsessing about my weight because I am truly astounded with the fact that I haven't gained more weight. I guess bouncing around the classroom, having to walk the entire length of the building just to make photocopies and being active with James truly has helped me keep the pounds off.
Stretch marks? No, surprisingly! And happily!
Best moment this week? Spending all day Sunday with James, after not really getting to see him for two weeks. Seeing my Uncle Steve and Aunt Sue - it's always good to reconnect with my dad's side of the family. Getting to spend time with my husband.
Miss anything? Not being exhausted on any given day. Wine. In no particular order.
Movement? All the time. Hiccups especially. She loves boot-scootin' right after I eat something. It's so fun to watch!
Food cravings? Candy. Uh-oh. Chocolate especially. And water. Tons and tons and tons of ice cold water. I cannot get enough of it and I bet I drink at least 96 ounces a day. That's a lot of water. But holy moses it's good!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope! I think we're well past that stage and onto the "eat everything" stage.
Labor signs? Negative, but that's ok as it would be a wee bit early...
Symptoms? Feeling gigantic. Hip and pelvic bone pain. A fucking cold.
Belly button in or out? Out. For good.
Linea nigra? Barely. But it's there!
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or moody? Moody. I'm just so tired and heavy-feeling all the time!
Looking forward to: More time with my family. Easter, as my mom will be here and will be staying at Adventureland Inn, where there's a baby pool that James will be able to enjoy. Getting ready for Baby Girl. Labor. The end of the school year. Trust me, at this point, I'm looking forward to several things.... good, bad or indifferent!

Here's to 35 days left!

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