Wednesday, April 16, 2014

36 Weeks!

I'ts been a less-than-crazy week in comparison to my prior weeks, but it was still crazy, nonetheless. Like I said to my studnets on Monday - there is a distinct possibility that in two weeks, I won't be here, because Baby Girl will be. Terrifying to think about how many things I need to get done before then!

But it will get done, and if it doesn't, so be it. Work will take care of itself, and things will fall into place. We shall see if Baby Girl decides to make her entrance into this world a little early

How far along? 36 Weeks. As I also said to my students today, I have four Wednesdays left of being pregnant. Including today. Holy smokes, I can't wait for it to flly by!
Maternity clothes? Yes! And sadly, I put on one of my favorite maternity dresses this morning, and it didn't fit. Well, it did, but it buttons all the way down, and the buttons were pulled across the stomach, so it looked terrible! I couldn't believe it! I wore that dress just last week. And then I realied that it's most likely beause she's dropped and all of a sudden, my stomach is huge.
Weight gain? Probably. I have been eating the hell out of food, especially now that I have my night and weekends back! Holy smokes. It will be inetersting what my appointment says next Tuesday.
Stretch marks? No, but holy cow is this stomach stretched to the max!!
Best moment this week? Saturday was 86 degrees out. Thank you Iowa, for being bi-polar. Even though I wasn't home most of the day thanks to some music obligations I had, I was still able to enjoy the late afternoon and into the evening with Eric and James. It was honestly just nice to wake up and have it be nice for a change. And nice without wind. It's always so damn windy! So we spent the majority of our evenin outside, and James loved every single second of it. This kid can't wait for the weather to be consistently aweome! Neither can mom, really...
Miss anything? Being able to roll over easily at night and not have my crotch feel like it's going to shatter into a milliion pieces. Can't wat for that sensation to go away!
Movement? The swift kicks to the ribs have subsided and now it's just a whole lot of prodding and poking around. She has the hiccups a lot, which is funny, but at the same tme, can be really annoying. Especially when the beat of her hiccups is different than the beat to which my choir is singing and thus, I am conducting. It's like when you listen to music and you start walking ot the pace of the beat. It's hard to consciously not do that, and that's wht I deal with almost every day!
Food cravings? The pineapple craving has subsided and I have moved on to another succulent fresh fruit - strawberries. Fareway had thee giant strawberries on sale and I snagged a pounds. After eating those, I went bak and snagged a few more pounds... five pounds to be exact. I cut them up and froze them - we will have them for our Easter lunch this Sunday. Otherwise, I have been eating lots of chocolate and craving any sort of fruit!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Again with Eric's work smell - get's me every time!
Labor signs? Nope.
Symptoms? Waddling! Getting up slowly from sitting in a chair. More waddling... I'm also pretty sure Baby Girl has dropped - oofta.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Linea nigra? Barely...
Wedding ring on or off? On, but Saturday, with the humidity and the fact I was in a hot room all day, I thought my rings were stuck for sure! Luckily, I was able to get them off, but holy smokes, was I swollen! Even today, I'm swollen and it was barely 60 dgrees. But I'm still able to wear them!
Happy or moody? Happy! It's been a good week, I'm not too stressed at work and I'm just trying to enjoy the last few weeks with my son as an only child!
Looking forward to: These next couple of weeks and just preparing everything for labor and delivery!

Here's to 9 weeks left! 

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