Wednesday, April 2, 2014

34 Weeks!

Oofta. What a week it has been. A good one, but tiring. Needless to say, I'm ready to be DONE with this pregnancy. I'm getting to the "heavy" stage where it takes a major effort to do just about anything.

Good thing my job gets me excited, so it's easy to continue to bounce around the classroom. But after I do, I am so drained.

But, onto the update!!

How far along? 34 Weeks. I can't believe we only have a month and a half to go!
Maternity clothes? Once aain, duh. In fact, some stuff is starting to not fit. My favorite black jeans are getting a little too tight. Things aren't stretching around my body quite like they used to. Ugh.
Weight gain? I can't believe I actually did this, but I sought out the scale. Our old, not-so-accurate scale and it read...............176 pounds. Holy mackerel. That's exactly what I weighed when I got on the scale after Christmas last year and I remeber being so depressed, so Eric went out and bought me Dance Central for the XBOX and I religiously played it for 6 weeks and ate yogurt for breakfast and all that jazz. And lost a good 10 pounds. And there I sat, until I got pregnant again, when I lost another 5 pounds and then really went to town when I got so sick. So, it's been interesting to lose this weight and then put it back on again, but for an entirely different reason. I am officially about 10-15 pounds below where I was with James, and you can definitely tell. Oofta. I will be anxious to know what the scale says next week at my 34-almost-35 week appointment.
Stretch marks? Nope, woop woop!
Best moment this week? So many things. All having to do with school because, quite frankly, I haven't been home hardly at all this week. But the musical is going well, solo contest went well, and I am glad to see the homestretch; the light at the end of the tunnel is shining brighter!!!!!
Miss anything? This week, my family. I haven't been able to see James for more than 20 minutes at a time Monday and Tuesday, and tomorrow night will be the same. Saturday I was gone all day at state contest, but I spent a ton of time with James on Sunday, as it was a beautiful 73 degrees out! We went to the park, grilled out, played outside and generally had an awesome time. But I still miss him - one day like that isn't enough.
Movement? She just gave a succession of prods to my stomach on the right side of my belly button. It was funny to watch and Eric caught a glimpse of it. Hard to believe this will be the last time we will be watching this type of thing happen. At least, let's hope it's the last time! :)
Food cravings? Peanut. Butter. Cap'n. Crunch. When living in the dorms in college, I didn't have bowls, so I ate Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch out of a cup. Nothing better than the peanut buttery goodness and some ice cold milk. Holy crap. I might just go get a bowl after this...
Anything make you queasy or sick? Surprisingly, no. I think I might be past that stage. There are smells that smell terrible that have an even stronger aroma to my pregnant nose, but for the most part, all is good in that department.
Labor signs? Not really, but I'm pretty sure she's head down. Which is leading to some interesting sensations!
Symptoms? Peeing all the time! Good Lord! At school I go about 2 times every period. For 52 minutes, that's a ton. I've also been a good girl and drinking as much water as possible!
Belly button in or out? In/out. It can't seem to decide.
Linea nigra? Barely a line... barely.
Wedding ring on or off? On but every morning, my fingers are really swollen. Once I get moving during the day, it's not bad at all. Just in the morning and sometimes at the end of the night!
Happy or moody? Moody, but I'm also fricken stressed out with school stuff...
Looking forward to: Sunday, when I will no longer have the dreaded night rehearsals, I will be able to spend time with my family and be a mom and think about this baby girl! It cannot come fast enough!!!!!

Only 6 more weeks!!!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. A couple things…
    I LOVE your use of the word "Oofta." I reminds me SO much of the Duddings. I never hear that word anymore.
    It's so funny that the linea negra is barely there this time around. I remember comparing lines with Marcus and James.
    34 weeks - EEEEK, you're SO close!!!
