Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Battle of the Bulge: Week 6 (Hormones)

I stepped on the scale yesterday morning. 168.2. I stepped on the last night and I weighed 168 .2. How is it that in one entire day I did not gain any weight? Beyond that, how is it that in one entire week I gained 1 pound?

Hormones, that's how.

to say that I have been a crazy bitch is an understatement. My hormones have been so out of whack that at any given moment I cannot possibly be responsible for anything that's coming out of my mouth. At one moment I'm incredibly happy and another moment I'm about to rip my husbands head off.

I try really hard to keep myself in check but there are times where it sincerely is it possible. I cry at really weird times while thinking about really weird things, and at other times the simplest thing can set me off. I feel like I'm 14 again.

So while I was feeling down in the dumps last night about my one pound gain, somebody posted an articleabout the exact same thing that I've been feeling. A blogger just like me (although I really wouldn't call myself a "blogger") in her 15th month postpartum. And here she was in the exact same boat as me wondering why the hell she was gaining weight. The difference between us is the fact that she's still breastfeeding. I hope to god I'm still not breastfeeding at 15 months postpartum.

but we're both gaining weight and what do we have to blame? Hormones. You gain weight when you get your period, and you lose it again when your hormones balance out. I'm not saying that this is an excuse, what I am saying that it is a reasonable explanation.

So this blogger goes on to explain all about hormonal imbalance, and how it greatly affects weight gain and weight loss. So yes I have gained 4 pounds but at the same time I'm producing milk for my child.

For me, that's worth 4 pounds.

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